TLDR; bf said shit in anger, everything you say in a breakup but wanted a break and suddenly is back to acting like a bf instead of whatever and im confused and need time off.

My bf and I have been together for nearly 3 months but have known each other for almost 5 months now. Everything was great between us till he got his job and he got super busy and i started occasionally asking him if shi was ok between us cause we couldnt meet as often. He has been a great bf despite communication gaps and we’ve been trying to make it work. He is a quiet individual in general and isnt as talkative as me and doesnt open up. but he cares for me in many ways like always buying food for me when we’re out, giving into my childish behaviour, calling me the co-owner of his car, being loving otherwise. And sometimes he used to talk abt marriage and stuff. He confessed first but I needed time and I said it later. He has always been the guy who wants a long term relationship and thats the only reason i opened up to him and dated him. he seemed he had clarity. He got addmited to my uni and didnt tell me till he finalized it. I never had influenced his decision.

Things have been a bit rocky off late. He feels im being distant and I feel like he never opens up. He also is an athlete and his major tournament is this week for which I assume he was very stressed about. We met last Monday and spent the entire evening together and went out and everything but suddenly after 2-3 days he seemed a bit distant and even my hormones and stress made me get super pissed at him so I did not text him much either and if anything I was cold to him on our FaceTime calls. He kept dipping on me on and off making excuses he can’t see me. I have anxiety and super anxious with bit of trust issues due to my lack of self confidence while he is super confident but avoidant when it comes to confronting in arguments or his feelings. Never feels like he opens up. On Saturday he said he felt bad for not being able to give me time and attention and stuff and he doesn’t know what has been happening or how has he been feeling off late but suddenly the next night I had a moodswing and got pissed at him cause he couldn’t guarantee coming to meet me (we barely meet once a week cause of his schedule and mine) and then I asked him if stuff has been ok between us. He went like no and idk and then dipped for 30 mins. Later he started talking like normal and we again revisited the convo where he said he couldn’t feel the same spark and energy between us and that I felt distant. He suddenly said he wanted a break and that he wanted me to treat him like a friend cause I hadn’t been as excited towards him like I talk to my friends. I didn’t say some stuff to him cause I felt it’s embarrassing and im scared he will leave me. I asked him if he loved me as an individual and he said yes and that he loved my company and shi but didn’t see me as a gf rn and doesn’t see me in his future and that his mom didn’t like me (she hasn’t even met me) and wasn’t happy with the relationship which is why he had to make excuses to see me and would have to dip. He said he didn’t feel that he would be loyal and he wanted to be free. He clarified that that didn’t mean to talk to other girls or hookup and he also sent me an ss of his chats to prove it. I told him I needed time off too so let’s do that and see where it goes. And he was like yeah I never said we had tp break up. And that why would we split ways because we’re still amazing friends who make each other comfortable and stuff and why can’t we be by each other even if we didn’t have the label. He did not want to set a duration on the break but we agreed not to talk to new people etc. I was heart broken.

But the same night we facetimed cause I couldn’t sleep and I kept crying nad he consoled me saying sorry and gave ft kisses and shi and then told me not to cry cause it wasn’t a breakup. I spent an hr almost telling him why I couldn’t tell him some stuff and how I felt and then after he consoled me from my breakdown we went to sleep. He woke me up in the morning (facetimed me) and started talking to me normally. He called again after a few hrs and we spoke abt the break and what we expected and he said that he wanted to understand me more and me do the same for him and he said we were alr connecting and getting our sparks back and there was potential to get back. we were making plans for when hes back from his tournament and stuff. What ticked me off was that same night when we called and shi he started calling me babe, saying I love you and everything and started treating me like his gf. He came and seen me yesterday and I broke down and he was like no I still really love you im sorry about hurting you and saying this stuff. I do love you and I said it out of anger etc. but how can someone say this shit just cause they are angry and idk if I can trust him. He seems like he wants to get back but I wanted Time off so I told him the same and he agreed. I dont know why is he being like this and was he that stressed to say shit like this. I decided to set boundaries and see how he treats me once he is back from his tournament and talk to him properly before deciding if I wanna stay in the relationship. I am literally willing to make it work because i know relationship has problems, ups and downs and i know we deserve another chance.

  1. If at 3 months in its *this hard*, i don’t think its worth your time to continue. I understand you guys are young and newer to relationships, but someone who has anger issues and wants to flipantly break up can go find someone else.

  2. I didn’t read it all, I’m not good with massive chunks of text. But, I got the jist and the feel pretty fast.

    You are coming across HOT AND HEAVY! Like way too heavy. And he isn’t on the same page as you.

    You’re young, date different people. Get to know yourself and what you are willing to put up with before looking to settle down. If he wants out, let him. Go date someone else. Don’t fix on him if you aren’t in it together with your rose tinted glasses, high on life like you should be at this stage. Your self esteem will take a dive if you depend on someone else as much as you are.

    If the stress passes and you both find your groove, then cool. Enjoy! But otherwise, MEH!

  3. You need to break the text up. Put paragraphs in. I attempted the read the rest and I just couldn’t

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