There’s a homeless man that keeps using the outside of my shop as a toilet- number ones and twos. We got planning permission and put up a gate to try and stop it but he just does it in front of the gate.
Police don’t seem to be that interested in helping to resolve it. Do you have any other ideas on how we can stop this from happening?

Edited to add: we cannot offer for him to use our toilet as he seems to be doing it at night and early morning. We just know it is the same person as he has been observed a couple of times in the morning if someone came in early. He seems not altogether ‘there’ so wouldn’t want to put anyone in the team in a situation where they may feel unsafe

  1. Bribe him with a beer/cigarette to do it in front of your competitor’s shop.

  2. You just need to start going to the toilet there yourself so he understands that it’s your territory

  3. Offer him the use of your toilet on days when your shop is open.

    Suggest other alternatives for him when your shop isn’t open.

    I can’t imagine any human who would prefer to take a dump in a public place but the fact is this man is homeless and public toilets are non-existent.

  4. Put a load of stinging nettles and other nasty’s there! I understand he’s homeless and there might not be public loo’s open but he could find somewhere more private to go!

  5. In Poland I saw someone kick a hobo up the arse when he wouldn’t go away, so maybe try that?

  6. Be nice to him.

    Give him a fiver, maybe a few.

    Casually say: someone has been doing their business outside my shop, do you mind keeping an eye out for me mate and if you see someone let me know?

    90% success rate.

  7. Maybe a motion sensor light?

    Or like a ‘you are being recorded’ alarm, too?

  8. I’ve got the same problem with a cat, I put a bottle of water on the stones to reflect light and scare it away. Seems to be working so far.

  9. Have you tried council environmental health?

    He’s constantly doing at your place he’s doing it on purpose not that he’s caught short,

  10. Contact your council’s homelessness team and see if they can help at all. Otherwise environmental health maybe? I feel like pissing in the street is one thing but leaving human shit seems significantly more problematic!

  11. Set up a ring alarm so when it goes off when you arent there you can scream “EFF OFF” remotely at him

  12. Find out about what homeless charities are operating in your area and what provision there is by the local council. Your council probably has a team for the homeless, see if you can speak to them.

  13. One of our local dudes is pretty disturbed. He can get pretty disruptive. I give him cups of tea on cold days, and water on hot ones. Never had a problem since.

  14. Get a cold bucket of water ready to dump on him when he next does it. Should work after a couple of times

  15. If you know who he is and have evidence i.e. CCTV or have witnessed him doing it, speak to your local policing / neighbourhood team and ask them to serve him with a pre community protection notice ordering him to not shit outside the store.

  16. All this bollux of bribing a homeless man to stop shitting outside of your shop is beyond amazing.

    Only in this day in age can we say we would rather give a man a reward for not shitting on your door step rather than just say “mate, piss off you dirty bastard” and hose him down if you catch him in the act.

    Just amazing to me that so many people are saying pay him to stop doing it.

    Would you pay a smoker for not smoking? An alcoholic for not drinking? So why a tramp for not shitting outside your shop?

  17. ITT: Lots of naive individuals who haven’t had the pleasure of dealing with the “homeless” before

  18. Motion activated cctv camera with a bright spotlight that also plays onto a big screen in the window. Most homeless people wouldnt want that much attention drawn to themselves.

  19. Being homeless is no fucking excuse for this, these people in the comments are actually making me sick. It’s pathetic.

    He can find a plastic bag to shit it and put that in a bin. He can piss somewhere other than a doorstep. You people are something else. There’s no excuse to shit on a doorstep, that’s the height of selfishness and fucking entitlement.

  20. Keep reporting it to the Police but don’t talk about it as using it as a toilet. Only refer to it as indecent exposure, this is a sex crime and would be more likely to get a response. If someone thinks it’s okay to drop their pants in front of your shop they’re going to think it’s okay to do that anywhere. Perhaps this person will get some help with whatever is going on in their life.

  21. Urine deflectors and/or a Ring or Nest camera so you can give him a good scare while he’s doing his business. Worst case you can build a case that he’s the one causing a nuisance, which can give police/CPS grounds to proceed with a case to stop him from being near your property.

  22. Are you sure he’s not just an owner of a competing business? Probably Jeff Bezos

  23. It’s not like this guy has no other options, otherwise every homeless person would be doing this in shop doorways.

    I wouldn’t be as nice as most of the people commenting on here. I’d be out with a bucket of water or a big stick.

  24. These people in the comments are naive beyond belief.

    Jesus Christ.

    If someone is taking a dump or peeing at your doorstep you throw a bucket full of cold water at them.

    Simple as that.

    And you call the police specifying that this is a sex offence.

    This dude is dropping his pants in a public place and exposing his genitalia for everyone to see (including the eventual children passing by).

    This will make police lift their lazy arses off their chairs.

    Being homeless does not excuse you from being a cunt.

    And shitty actions (pun intended) have consequences.

  25. Judging by some of the replies in this thread you should let him use your own toilet, sleep in your bed, pay him a salary, fuck it, just let him borrow the wife for a dirty weekend.

  26. Being homeless is no excuse, A super soaker filled with your own piss, drench the dirty bugger

  27. Since you’ve gone to the effort of getting a gate I’m assuming you’ve spoken to him and told him you don’t like picking up his shit every morning? Maybe if he put a face to the problem it might make him clean us act?

    Maybe a ring cam so you can confront him live?

    Paying him off just seems strange to me, there are some problems that come with being homeless and some that come with being inconsiderate and horrible and I think shitting on the same doorstep every night is the later. Of course no one chooses to be homeless and he might prefer to be housed but he could clean it up himself! Or shit in a plastic bag and dump it.

  28. There’s a lot you could do here and none of it involves the police. How could you be so heartless?

    Why haven’t you brought him into your home, clothed him, gave him dinner, a bed and maybe some toilet facilities?

    You could consolidate two rooms of your house into one and give him the new spare room, get him a car (nothing pre-2016 for environmental reasons), and start tutoring him to give him a fair chance of education.

  29. another story that leaves me wondering what the UK police actually ***do***

  30. Some people here are ignoring the point: the guy is deliberately shitting outside OP’s shop. Not shitting outside other shops and/or venues in the vicinity. So he’s doing it out of choice. In which case he needs to be persuaded to be more civilised.

  31. Just bollock him, go nuts, show some force, make it not worth his while. Yes we can empathise with people who have nowhere to sleep but there’s no justification for this, there are public toilets, hostels and failing all that there’s areas with tress and bushes etc which would be a lot less antisocial. I would be aggressively angry and if he continued just kick his arse to whatever degree you’re comfortable with, no excuses for shitting on your hard earned business, being homeless doesn’t mean you have to have no morals or standards.

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