alt account cause idk idkidk

online class

It was 28th of April (around 6-7pm) when someone friended me. It was one of my classmates. They said that they’ve wanted to be friends with me since they thought I was cool. Then we started to talk about a lot of stuff for like 3-4 hours. Then around 11pm they said they had to go and asked me for my socials (this was discord). They gave me theirs and the night ended.


I really want to be friends, but I feel like they were just tricking and taunting me. Maybe it was for a dare or something, or just making fun of me. (I don’t have any friends from that class, because I was too scared to talk to people). So, should I go for it and talk, will they think I’m an annoyance and stuff. I don’t socialize with a lot of people, because I’m afraid of how they judge me. I used to, but covid completely destroyed everything.



Any advice??

  1. 3 hours is a pretty long time. Seems like you guys get along really well. Wait for a like a week for them to get back to you and then reach out yourself. They might genuinely want to be friends. Let’s not overthink this. 🙂

  2. I think you’re probably overthinking it. It seems like you must have gotten along really well if you talked for that long, and if you talked for that long I’m sure that they won’t find you an annoyance. So just go for it! you got this 😀

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