I am a 22m residing in Dubai. I have an issue of easily falling in love with girls and that is actually doing a lot of damage to me. What do I do to regain control and focus more on my career
How do I get rid of this feeling ?

  1. Its a proven fact that men fall in love faster than women. I used to be like that. What I found that helped me is to

    1. Focus mostly on how to improve myself, which helped me focus more on myself and not on others as much. I wrote down things I needed to work on in myself. Motivation issues, getting more physically fit, how I can get better at money management, etc.

    2. Treat every girl the same. If they are romantic interests, or co worker, or just a friend. A little lightly flirtatious banter and joking, if its reciprocated in a more flirtatious way, go from there. If not, just keep the lighthearted banter and jokes to build a healthy friendship. If the romantic interest reciprocates, then only mirror her. Mirroring her makes sure that you are putting just as much effort as she is, so all that extra effort you would normally have put towards her, can now be directed towards the list of improvements for yourself.

    It works for me, took a little practice, but I feel better in general about everything.

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