This seems paradoxical, but what to talk with friend with whom I share common interest ?

Like, after initial getting to meet each other, what we do, stuff like that. What is there anymore to say, or ask ?

So let me set up scene. I like same TV Series that my friend loves, we like similar movies as well (hacking, coding etc), we are passionate about computers in general. I like to do more coding, but he does some other experimental stuff like hacking, coding etc.

But I don’t know what to talk about. Like, imagine if I come to him, and we talk about, how to code in React, or how to use X new thing.

I think problem is with me, I don’t know.

For me, best friendship is when we work on same thing together, that is where I see we can really grow as friends. Like, if we work on some project, believe in same vision. Something, like, building next Facebook. And we work on it, joke, and hangout from time to time as well, to have fun time, but at same time, to have time to work on same project we are passionate about.

I am very focused person. I don’t like nonsense, because I filter that out, and don’t even think about. Like, I don’t read news because all that stuff looks like poorly written clickbait which serves no purpose. In short, I am detached from my emotions, so they don’t control me, as it’s annoying.

It’s because I am programer, and I feel at my best, when I am immersed into some coding, project, or similar, and get most of my euphoria when I am into ‘the zone’ when I code. And that’s what I strive for on daily basis, I love this job.

My friend, knows less than me, can’t keep same pace as me. And that causes problem, that we can’t work on some project together, because I feel like I am teaching him everything, or doing all work for him. I would like to help from time to time, but difference between our knowledge is really problem.

I work very fast. Because of my desire to be ‘in the zone’ as often as possible on daily basis. And if I or he, want to start about some topic, like “hey, AI was released”, problem is, that I already read all about it 😀 , and now I have nothing to talk about.


I feel like, because we have nothing to talk about, is friendship okay, if we call (ping) each other from time to time, just to say few things here and there. Like, instead of talking with my friend every day, to talk with him when I need to, even if that is maybe few months ? Sort of, to have my friend as in contact list, person who I know, with whom I can talk to when I get some interesting to talk about, or if he also comes up with some interesting conversation starter.

But until then, to just fade out.

Is this okay ?

Because, for me, I feel like, it’s tiring to have check out to each other. I don’t see need for it.


I was angry with this friend, and said that we don’t know each other, and it was like this about year. It was me who cut ties with him. But I don’t know should I try to revive friendship ?

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