Do you think 8 years difference is too much? 25F and 33M

  1. It all depends on lifestyle, maternity level, connection, goals in life, daily routines, family, beliefs and morals, etc. If you’re not compatible in your lifestyle, for example if one of you goes to clubs and drinks a lot and the other is a homebody and doesn’t drink then it probably won’t work out and you’re not compatible. Or if one of you lived a life with lots of money and the other hardly has any that could be a negative influence/factor.

    Dating is about compatibility. You’re supposed to date around to find the person who’s most compatible, someone who checks your boxes, you connect with the best, have the most fun with, etc. If this guy doesn’t easily fall into line with your life then it might not last.

  2. Y’all both grew up in the 90’s/2000’s. And in all reality you could not be her dad if that’s where your going with this post.

  3. Age is just a number. It’s all about who u click with and do u both have chemistry together. If u both are physically fit and attracted to eachother thn age won’t matter

  4. Theres a thump rule that says, half your age plus 7.

    Like for you that means you shouldnt date below 19
    and for him that he shouldnt date below 24 to be “socially accepted”.

    Youre both in the green, if you want to listen to the thump rule so and everything else seems fine, go for it.

  5. Tbh there is no such thing as an age gap apart from some power dynamics that will be imbalanced.

    What I mean by this is if there’s mutual attraction both mental (personality, humour, interest, hobbies etc.) & physical then the romance can flourish and work.

    Don’t care what other people think or that voice in the back of your mind says.

    As long as you are 2 consenting adults you should not feel weird about anything.

    Put it this way if age wasn’t a factor and considering all the other things you like about each other would you want to date/ be in a relationship with him? If yes then why make that 2 small thing such a big deal?

    If you 2 match energy and connect on a deep level (which is rare) do the squander it for something as silly as “I’m afraid what others might think”

    If you feel that way you should tell lgbt people to stop loving because most of society doesn’t want it. It’s a ridiculous argument and their opinion is irrelevant to your relationship.

    I hope this gives you some insight into your situation so that you can look at it with clarity and DECIDE FOR YOURSELF if you’re okay with it or not but don’t let others dictate your happiness OP

  6. The daily age gap question came early today. Basically all the same comments that have been said many times. I have seen that asinine formula more times than I can count. As a 51(f) who is dating a 23(m) and having the time of my life, I will usually make some kind of comment in these posts. Some days I am downvoted and called a predator, other days I get positive feedback. Either way, it doesn’t matter to me because I do not feel shame for what I am doing. If you get along well with the person, who gives a fuck what anyone thinks or what the “social norms” are? I was married to someone 3 years older and he lied to me most of our marriage, then was in a long term relationship with a guy 10 years older and he was a mean, passive aggressive asshole. Spending time with guys half my age (or less sometimes) has been life changing in all the right ways for me. So, go and spend time with people you care about and care about you, age is relatively meaningless.

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