Hi I met this guy in public and he seemed really nice and a bit flirty but I was nervous and didn’t reciprocate and I feel bad. I found his Instagram and I was wondering if it would be weird if I followed him? We have no mutual followers and I met him like once and we talked for like 15 minutes.

Update: I requested to follow him but I don’t think he’s on Instagram that often so I’ve been at requested for a bit now.. if he lets me follow him I’ll put it on here!

  1. Guy here, I’d be flattered and confused since you didn’t reciprocate. Maybe msg him say you had a good time chatting, see where it goes

  2. I’d be on the fence. It depends on the guy. Some guys wouldn’t care. Some guys would care. The reality is you can look up anyone on social media even with limited info.

    Perhaps send a follow, shoot him a message, and see what happens. Best case scenario is that he accepts it. Worst case scenario is that he rejects it. But you never know if you don’t try.

  3. I’d say just shoot him a quick message at the same time you follow him. Otherwise, if it were me, I’d be confused.

    But I’m sure if you just say hi and follow that he’ll love that

  4. Absolutely go ahead! You can just say “hey this is random but I saw your IG and remembered running into you. <Personal detail so he remembers> Would love to connect more! Maybe coffee?” If you do want to connect more and potentially see them again!

    I don’t see how anyone would find that weird or be offended and worth trying!

    Also Instagrams follow suggestions are sometimes creepily good so could blame that too

  5. I don’t think it’s weird at all but you can use direct messages to him on Instagram to explain to him what happened. So you don’t really have to follow him on Instagram if you could just text each other on what’s going on.

  6. What’s the worst that could happen?
    What’s the best that could happen?

  7. No, not at all. Caveat with an apology if you came across as cool and aloof on your first meeting, just wanting to clear up your not.

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