I prefer to keep myself anonymous because I am worried of danger obviously, so would there be a way for me to not show my face on the app?

little bit of background: I am 18 year old virgin straight male and only reason why I am asking this sub is because I am sure some of y’all are familiar with grindr.

so I am looking to hook up with a transgender girl who is possibly 2 years older than me because that’s close to my age and I also want to experiment with a trans girl for some reason.

I hope I won’t get transphobic comments calling me bi or gay because I happen to find trans women attractive, let’s be mature here and not label people just in case.

so if anyone can provide advice, that’s nice.

  1. Make sure a friend knows your meeting a hookup. That’s the safe thing to do. They don’t have to know who it is.

  2. Would you frame the question this way if the person you were interested in was not trans? Because the risks involved with hooking up with one human are the same as with any other human.

  3. safe in what way ?

    I don’t understand the question. Although, I would suggest trying to pursue a relationship with someone rather than engage in promiscuity, as IMO that would be the ‘safest’ option.

  4. Take all the same precautions you would with anyone you plan to have sex with.

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