There is this girl I met in school. She seemed nice but we talked nearly never.

Now after school ended, she keeps texting me every single day. Im just trying to end conversations after texting for at least an hour straight.

She didnt state that she likes me, but its completely obvious. I dont know to reject her since she didnt even say anything, she just keeps texting every day. Any ideas what I should do?

  1. Just tell her that you’re not interested in a friendship/relationship. Ignore the other replies, ghosting someone is cruel

  2. If she hasn’t said she likes you, don’t bring it up on your own. She could just say that she never said she likes you. Just say that the frequency of her texts are a bit overwhelming. Maybe tone down a bit? See how she responds. If she doesn’t take it well, be more curt with your approach and tell her to not text you anymore. And then block her. I’m not against blocking people. But try to not let it get to that.

  3. if you want to preserve the friendship, i would just slowly reduce the frequency of your response. Side note; how do you have time or mental bandwidth for hours of text convo with someone you’re not interested in?? Get busy!! Don’t ghost her or block her as others have said, you can still be nice to her while not having hours long convos. If she brings up “why do you take so long to reply?” you can simply tell her that you have a lot going on (which hopefully should be a true statement) and you can’t always reply. If she gets upset at this, SHE is the asshole in that situation. You are giving her the impression you are interested by spending so much time and energy on her right now.

    I can’t remember the last time i had an hour long text convo with anyone, let alone someone i’m not interested in.

  4. Progressively withdraw attention – it may sound cruel but your attention is your “reward” as it’s the most precious thing anyone can give anyone. So the more you engage with her, the more you are reinforcing her behaviours (here: texting with you).

    If one day she confronts you just tell her that you have a lot going on and you’re just trying to focus on those things in your life. Good luck but always keep it nice and friendly, no need to hurt her more.

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