What time do you go to bed? how long do you sleep

  1. Big boy sleep scientist Mathew Walker says minimum 8 hours for everyone. He lays out the science of why and what sleep does for you. Interestingly his research noted that people can self report being fine of 4-6 hours of sleep but will be suffering the effects of that.

    Highly recommend checking him out on his own podcast “The Matt Walker Podcast”. Additionally his book “Why we sleep” is great. He has also had appearances on other podcasts like Tim Ferris and Rogan.

  2. Generally 8 hours. To bed at 23:00, falling asleep right away, alarm goes off at 7:00.

  3. 8 hours.
    There are people that can survive on 4-6 hours but these people are extremely rare

  4. I sleep around 4-6 hours a night.
    I go to sleep at around 00:00 and wake up at 05:40

  5. It’s really just 4+4 or 6+2 hours of sleep during a day. How we evolved.
    An example would be bed at night fall. Sleeping for 6 hours waking up early in the morning. Take a nap midday of 2 hours.

    Or sleep 4 hours at night. Get up for an hour or 2 and sleep 4 more hours.

    It’s all about rem sleep. And it goes into cycles of 2 hours minor and 4 hours major cycles. Also why after a late night party you don’t have issues after just 4 hours of sleep. But you feel ruined if you get 5 hours.

    Plenty of sleep cycle apps out there if you want to see it for yourself.

    The 8 hour cycle came after the watch was invented and how work life balance was ruined for the benefit of capitalism.

  6. I clock in at about 9-10 hours, but that’s because I’m on winter break right now and have nothing going on in my life.

  7. It varies per person and condition at the moment. I sleep around 5 hours from 00:00 to 05:00. Works great for me.

  8. 3-5

    I work out every day and eat right otherwise, sleep amount is tied into my bleak existence. I’m never feeling alive enough to want to formally sleep in the first place if that makes any sense.

    I try to get a minimum of 3 hours for work, very bad habit I know.

    I will crash for a nap right after work though so I guess it’s not killing me.

  9. Usually sleep midnight to 6-7, nap from 30-90 minutes around 3. On Sundays I’ll get like 10 hours.

    I feel best sleeping 11-7 and napping 230-330.

  10. it would be amazing to get the actual required sleep of 8 hours but i think most people operate on between 4 and 6 hours of sleep.

  11. I go to bed around 22:00, get up 4:50. Which puts me at roughly 6 3/4 hrs on workdays. During weekends, that varies based on if I go hiking (similarly early rise) or stay home (getting up around 6:00 to 6:30 in summer, around 7:00-7:30 in winter)

  12. My average sleep time is 6 hrs and 15 minutes. At the end of the work week, I usually feel the consequences, but I make it up on the weekend by sleeping closer to 8 hours.

  13. 7 to 9 hours is optimal. Various things can effect it, get a watch that tracks your sleep if you can, it’s a game changer to figuring out what you need to do to get the optimal amount each night. For me, I thought I was getting 8 hours, but by the time I watched t.v. maybe threw a move on the wife, tossed around in bed I was getting about 6, cutting out alcohol on week nights made a huge difference to the quality of my sleep(unfortunately, I used to love habing a beer or 2 of an evening, but everything is a trade off) and I have a bit more discipline with lights out, so now I usually get more than 7 and for sure I feel the difference.

  14. 7 is knocking on the door of a luxury for myself.

    But 5.5 to 6 is petty normal for me.

    Going more than 3 days in a row with less than 5.5 hours each has a noticeable impact on my mental clarity. Not to mention my mood.

  15. I usually go to bed at 1am and sleep for 6.5 hours.

    The amount seems to be optimal for me, if I have more I’m generally a bit out of whack for the rest of the day and if I have left I’m really screwed. Saying that there are rare occasions where I have 2-3 hours and I’m perfectly fine I’ll wake up and feel great.

  16. anything below 7 hours for me is 1-2 cups of coffee. 8 hours I feel like I can run 10 miles and no coffee.

    In bed by 10-11pm. Up at 5:30-6am

  17. Usually around 10:30, and then sleep until 6:30-7, depending on the day.

  18. On a work night the latest 11:30, if not a work night then anytime between 12 and 12:30am. I think 7-8 hours is optimal, though I can function on 6 1/2-7 hours.

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