So, I tried clubbing alone for the first time and honestly, i didn’t really enjoy it. I didn’t enjoy it much because I felt so awkward trying to talk to people. I’d go up to someone, but the music was blasting so loud that they couldn’t hear me. It made me look like I was talking to nobody, and I’d immediately back off to avoid seeming like a creep. Plus, I was scared to approach groups because I didn’t want to come off as weird. So basically, I ended up just ordering drinks, jamming to the music, and heading back home. Any tips on how to improve? I see this as a challenge and I’m thinking of going clubbing alone more often. Help me out, folks!

  1. Those environments are 100% instinct.

    You have to go in feeling awesome and maintain that feeling. A good time at the club is often a reward for not needing the club, like most things in life, chicken and egg and all that.

  2. Are there smoking rooms or balconies or something? When I would go clubbing alone I would usually join people there because we can actually hear each other

  3. There is no point in trying to talk in clubs where the music is too loud. I think the point is more so to party.

  4. Any place that has music so loud you can’t hear the other person without screaming, is a terrible place to have a conversation.

  5. ok even if it wasn’t a success to you this is such a bold thing to do. take it one step at at time

  6. I dont think clubs are the best spot to do this. Try a moderately crowded bar next time. The music is quieter and theres places to sit down

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