So to keep a long story short, i’m someone who’s been battling with different forms of depression and currently getting treated for bipolar but i’m doing partially fine, i no longer wish i was dead lol.

Anyways, throughout my life i’ve began to develop views that are different from those around me, and i got exposed to different cultures from different places (either throughout the internet or travels) and i’ve been.. craving for something more i guess.

I know that the ultimate solution is to just travel and start anew, but that is not one of the options i have at the moment, how do you throw yourself back into the game when you don’t want to mingle with the crowd around you? I’m currently trying the internet since well.. it provides much better variety and people closer to my brainwaves than those i live next to.

But due to the isolation throughout the years, i’ve lost/never developed many different skills, such as the skill of keeping up with people, starting up and stuff like that.

I don’t have a problem talking, but i have a problem talking for several days if you get my point, i just leave people i suppose, i talk in the first conversation quite well then i don’t know where to go from there.

So what do you guys who are trying to get back to life do?

1 comment
  1. Just like anything else. You’ll suck at anything until you get good at it but if you do what you’ve always done then you’ll get what you’ve always gotten.

    If you want to build more meaningful relationships then follow up. Don’t need to know what to say. You’ll either build a stronger bond or fail and learn how to do better next time.

    Your fear of failure is just guaranteeing failure is the norm.

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