My gf and I have been decently into ass play like fingering butt plugs etc but I’m finally gonna eat her ass if she just cleans the outside w water and soap thoroughly will it taste fine? Edit – error w the title I’m actually M18

  1. Jup, just clean it and have fun. You can’t get that deep inside with your tongue to find something special unless that’s planned.

    Hold hands, tell her to squeeze it when she likes what you do and let her guide you that way till you are both happy with the end result.

  2. Everyone says there’s no smell or taste after just washing with soap and water, but I’m confused. Sometimes if you get shit on your hand, you can’t get the smell off no matter how many times you wash it with soap, hot water and a nail brush. Your hand looks clean, but if you put it up to your nose you can still smell shit. Surely it’s the same with assholes and they can still smell even after being washed thoroughly?

  3. What is this obsession with teenagers and “eating ass”. I suggest you go onto google and check our E.coli and shingella.. actually tell you what.. I’ll save you the trouble

    Eating pussy is one thing. Those are designed to keep themselves bacteria and infection free. But every time you shit E.coli passes though and clings on. Eating ass is just nasty. The bacteria load in the anus is massive and none of it’s good to ingest. There’s a reason we wash our hands after taking a shit.

  4. Hell yes, tell her to stick a finger in a few times when washing beforehand to wash it out. I do it everytime I shower or wash anyway as my hubby can be very random 😄

  5. Nah. I’ve never had a problem licking an asshole. They all taste fine to me lol.

  6. Having eaten my bf’s ass multiple times and knowing his cleaning routine (which is a bit over the top but he likes a porn star like clean out) here’s my advice.

    Firstly if she doesn’t already have an enema bulb or device she needs to get one. Since you said y’all have been doing some anal play already I’m going to assume she’s been cleaning back there via enemas for that. But if she hasn’t, she needs to.

    There’s no need to put soap up there, warm water will be sufficient. And it helps if she can have a bowel movement before cleaning out, if she can’t the enema will still take care of everything. She just needs to keep using said enema till she feels empty and clean.

    After cleaning out the inside, she should hop in the shower and wash the outside of her hole with soap and water just to make sure everything is clean. Once that’s done y’all will be ready to rock and roll.

    For you! Enjoy yourself, get your tongue in there, and really go to town. Listen to her and go with what she likes, trust me, you’ll know once you’re down there. Also having her sit on your face can be a blast if you want to try that too. Have fun you two!

  7. Get an enema set from your local drug store to make sure the inside is clean as well, just in case. You don’t want any “unhappy accidents” during the act (unless you’re into that).

  8. Stick a finger with soap and water to wash it down more so you don’t get a weird taste

  9. It’s like everything else what goes in must come out so if she eats a cheeseburger a few hours before then that’s how it’s gonna taste.

    Spiced foods work best, avoid her eating eggs fresh salads and chicken.

    Fill her full of fruit for best results , fasting a few hours before also helps bc the gut will produce a jelly like substance to maintain lubrication , that stuff you may find addictive, it’s loaded with hormones and enzymes that will make you hungry 🤤

  10. Washing is a must, but if you’re not ready for au naturel flavour, I suggest flavoured, editable lube. Works very well!

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