Okay so I just need to vent because fuck. My dick is like 6 inches long and 4.3 inches thick. It’s skinny you know pencil dick all that yada yada.

I’ve let relationships go because of this stupid little fact about myself. Like it’s defined my entire adult dating. I haven’t had sex in 7 years because I always think “oh god she’s going to see my penis and leave”.

So like sex wasn’t bad either I could just tell I was skinny, maybe idk. I’ve only had sex with two girls. But one girl we would fuck literally all night pretty frequently. 10pm-7am kind of thing. So maybe she was having fun or maybe she was throwing me a bone.

I’m self conscious because girth is what gets girls off more than length but at the same time I’m so tired of letting this one hangup in my life define everything about me. If there’s any women out there with advice or insight I’d love to hear it. Maybe not all the nitty gritty but to know that maybe it’s actually possible to have a good time with my junk provided I use it properly idk

  1. Bro same problem here.. idk what to do, I can’t met a girl that’s so horrible

  2. You should do two things…educate yourself on average penis girth. It’s 4.5 inches. That means the majority of men have a girth of 4.5 inches. Secondly, stop watching porn all together. If you can’t stop it means you’re addicted so you should get help with that. And I’ll throw in a third one, stop watching those videos on social media about penis size. Do these three things and you should start to feel a bit more normal. Most normal women like men for who they are and they don’t make decisions based on penis size.

  3. Woman say they don’t care… but they do. For some woman as long as the penis is big than there ain’t no issues

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