Looking for advice… Bought a TV off Amazon, essentially got it for free.

My kid broke my TV so I decided to treat the household for a new LG C2 – it’s the most money I’ve ever spent on a TV, or so I thought.

I found a decent looking deal on Amazon, so ordered the TV. Specified a day for delivery, so far so good.

On the morning of the delivery at 5am, I get a text saying the parcel was deemed undeliverable and I’ll be getting a refund. I am annoyed, so I chat with customer support, telling them it’s their error so they need to refund me straight away so I can buy the TV again. They say the quickest way to do this is to refund to my amazon gift card balance, so I can order the new one – I say fine.

Before the refund makes it into my account, I get a text saying the delivery should be with me in 15. I think yeah, sure. 20 minutes later, a knock on the door, guys deliver the TV, tell me not to worry about the undeliverable thing.

5 hours later the TV has been mounted on my wall and suddenly £900 gets added to my amazon gift card balance – and this is where the madness starts.

I chat with 4 different reps on their customer service chat (making a bold assumption they are real people rather than AI bots) all of whom seem not to understand my predicament – I just want them to take the refund away!

I get escalated to a phone call – the lady definitely tries to understand and says in barely comprehensible English that they will charge my account for the gift balance, it will be gone within 24 hrs.

5 days later and 2 more identical phone calls later, I still have £900 gift card balance and I just got an email saying my next amazon purchase will have a £15 promotional balance taken off as an apology for all the customer service calls I’ve had to make recently – you really couldn’t make this stuff up.

Question is… At what point do I just consider the money mine and blow it all on prime day deals? 😅

  1. Amazon has 6 years to claim the money back.

    And they will.

    Don’t spend it but also don’t do anything else.

  2. Personally, I’d use the gift card balance as it’s unlikely Amazon will ever realise their mistake, but keep £900 in abeyance in my savings somewhere in the event they do realise and come asking after it.

  3. I have had several such problems with Amazon that I use E bay now. I once ordered a car reversing camera. The parcel that arrived was full of a load of second hand rubbish. I phoned them with no success. I finally contacted the seller in China who gave me a refund. Within a few days the correct item arrived. I tried to send back the refund only to be told they cant accept it. It really was impossible from a company obviously with far more customers they can properly deal with. DGH

  4. I once got a free £6.99 DVD off of Amazon. They delivered it, then emailed me to say they’d lost the parcel and would send a replacement, which they did the next day. Sold the duplicate to someone for a fiver, so my DVD only cost £1.99.

  5. Is this a scam from the delivery driver – they claim it’s broken, deliver it to you anyway then intercept a replacement a few days later?

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