I’m on the journey of coming into terms with my loneliness and it being seasonal. However memories of certain things keep haunting me and getting me down. Such as this one time I got a text and my dad said I’m famous or something (in a teasing way) and I got defensive and said you think I don’t have friends ? And he said no or something like that.

  1. If you are struggling with connecting to other people it is most likely your parents fault who taught you a dysfunctional family life and attachment style. You should check if they display toxic narcistic behavior towards you or if they can emotionally support you. If not learn about how to connect to people and watch for a female platonic friends to support you.

  2. i’m going to be a voice of sanity in this comments section and say that parents are also human beings and sometimes what they think of as good-natured teasing is actually something genuinely hurtful to us. i know i’ve made jokes that have blown up in my face before, without any malicious intent behind them. maybe they’re in the wrong mood, or it’s a subject you didn’t realize is particularly sensitive for them.

    there is an entire lifetime of relationship between OP and their father. and the only thing we internet strangers know about it is that one time dear ol Dad made a couple of jokes that landed a little too close to home for OP. was he being a jerk? maybe, maybe not. we sure don’t have any idea which, based on this post.

    and btw if your knee jerk reaction to a story about a poorly executed dad joke or two is “your family is dysfunctional, you should start seriously considering that your dad may be a toxic narcissist” then holy fuck y’all should not be giving social skills advice on the internet. we do not have nearly enough information to claim anything like that. jesus lmao

  3. Best thing you can do is get away from these types of people
    Even if they are family

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