I’m 15 and I’ve changed so many groups of friends that I lost count of them. Maybe it’s because as a child I was quite isolated from the rest of the world but this lack of commitment I have when it comes to relationships is definitely affecting my social life.

What usually happens is I meet a new group of people , I start talking to them and trying to integrate myself and almost all of a sudden I’m one of them. Then after about 3 months I start to get bored of them , I decide I want to change my lifestyle and leave the past behind and that includes them. So I start trying to limit the time I spend with the group as I try to find new friends who in my mind are a better fit for the new phase I’m going through. But the people I leave behind are confused and hurt and sometimes the group splits after I leave.

I know this isn’t fair to these people and it’s making me feel really bad but I can’t pretend I enjoy to spend time with people I feel I outgrew. I know I’m the problem here.Still , I do want to have real friends and I want to become a good and reliable friend.

What should I do ?
( also excuse my english , it’s not my first language)

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