We just started dating and have been having sex for a couple of times now. But when the penis hits around 5inches deep inside of me, it already hits the cervix and i get sharp pain in my lower abdomen. I feel like 5inches is quite quickly for the cervix to come on the way. Is it something possible to stretch it so I could get it deeper?

  1. You might need to try different positions that keep him from going so deep. Cervical bruising is NOT fun.

  2. Get him to ride as high up as he can so he pushes to the side or underneath.

  3. Assuming I can be frank? Maybe you’re not aroused enough? If you’re not as relaxed as you could be, it can make sex painful.

    It’s also worth noting that the cervix isn’t actually “in the back” like many think. During sex, it’s actually more like up and back? If that makes sense. Google it, I promise it’s real lol. So it seems like it may be more possible that given the newness of it all, it may take time. Or you may not be compatible and that’s totally fine as well. The primary reasoning for my answer would be because you haven’t had this problem before so it’s doesn’t sound like a vaginismus.

    None of the other comments seemed to offer much so I hope I was helpful.

    Happy sexxing!

  4. Try more forplay and different angles.

    When a woman is aroused our vaginal canal can rent to create some space.

    But it’s worth knowingness, your cervix changes position during your cycle. When you are ovulating and close to your period it lowers down. So it’s easier for men to hit it. You may need to pay attention to when in your cycle it’s hitting so you can try different angles or positions during that time!

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