Does anyone else notice that swallowing cum makes you happy go lucky and slept amazing?!
I slept great and in a wonderful mood today lol

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  2. It does have hormones and protein. Maybe the testosterone in it is good to you.

  3. I don’t care of this is total bullshit, I hope every woman who reads this comes away from the thread believing it.

  4. There’s actually some science to suggest that it helps women get labor started after their water breaks. I learned that in a childbirth class then told my wife that I’d do my part.

  5. While women do have a hormonal reaction to sperm, it is only known to be triggered through the vagina. I doubt it’s been studied orally but perhaps it should be.

  6. I swalled my fiances cum for the hundredth time last night and it still feels great!

    Love doing it so much.

  7. A female friend of mine told me it smoothens your skin . In no time your dace will be as smooth as a baby’s butt

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