
  1. Knowing when it’s my turn to talk in group settings , always accidentally talking over people

  2. The mental energy required to “want” to socialise.

    I’m 32 and work around 60 – 80 hours per week. My days are literally filled with unnecessary phone calls, meetings etc. By the time I’m finished my work week, my social battery is beyond flat and I couldn’t think of anything worse than trying to socialise more.

    I just don’t have any interest in people in general, or care all that much about other peoples lives to want to know anything.

  3. I used to be over bearing and an active story teller, now I have trouble even saying hi or finding something relatable to engage

  4. – when to stop talking
    – talking over others sometimes
    – going “too far” with jokes

    There are too many social rules and I get why they’re there but sometimes it’s a lot to be ‘perfect’

  5. Literally just thinking of things to say and connecting with people on a more personal level.

    Whenever I try to think of something to say it’s either really awkward or I can’t think of anything to say.

    And with connecting with people on a personal level idk how to do that. Is it normal for me not to know how to do these simple tasks that seemingly everyone has no issue with?

  6. When it’s time to set up get togethers because none of my called friends or colleagues never wants to Go.

  7. I personally struggle to start conversations. I just don’t know what to say to pique people’s interest.

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