I’m a 25 yo hetero female. I try to be pretty but somehow it doesn’t seem to work on men; I don’t get much attention.

Since I want to be attractive and desirable to men, I would really appreciate your comments on this topic. What is a woman supposed to do to appear pretty to you? What are the basics every woman should do to be pretty? Anything similar to this, I’d appreciate the answer too. Thank you.

  1. Just be feminine and approachable. Walk around in sundresses and your hair down. Smile a lot. Wear other nice clothes. Without seeing what you look like I don’t know what else to say

  2. Have you tried upping your flirting game and body language? Some women manage to pull the good looks fine but forget that looks aren’t the 100% string in pulling a man; basically you need to pull off a satiable vibe.

  3. Attention is the art of doing something to draw attention away from something else. So depending on your location and environment means you may have to change what ever you are doing for attention.

    For example. Wearing a slutty dress to the park will gain more attention then the same dress at a club.

  4. Many women I know don’t realize how many men find them attractive because they behave unapproachable. Being pretty and stepping up your clothing and makeup game is one thing. What is working way more than some women realize is a smile. Show a man you find attractive that he can approach you and your attractiveness will spike tremendously. And if you aren’t shy, most men are starved for attention and weary from rejection. They will appreciate a woman making the first step for once.

  5. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. The one thing I seen women do that a major amount of men enjoy and seem attracted to is: Dress with respect for yourself and others around you.
    I remember watching men hit on my Grandmother in her 80’s because I never seen her leave the house without dressing nicely. She was a good looking gal too but she always dressed with respect for herself.

  6. It’s not just the way they look, it’s the way they carry themselves

    And inner beauty is totally a thing, which adds to it. I don’t care if people say that’s corny, for me it’s always been 100% true

  7. Without a picture it’s hard to give advice. We don’t know anything about you.

    Not saying you should post a pic but I think your best bet would be to go on some kinda female subreddit where u can get constructive advice. Shit like r/male grooming or r/bald is the kinda thing I’ve gone to as a resource as a dude… But it’s not a cut and dry deal.

  8. Sadly, i don’t feel like it’s possible. For me beauty is mostly being small, thin, with very cute, adorable face, maybe freckles as well. Very few women are this way, and most of them are Japanese. So you are either born like that, or not. You can’t just become beautiful (at least for me, but bare in mind that absolute majority of people have different beauty standards).

    But, you can increase your attractivness by having a specific style. For example, even a women with neutral default appearance will become attractive to me if she wears some alt-goth-punk-emo makeup and clothing. So pick a style that stands out and stick to it.

    Also, i would be curious to know about where are you looking for attention? Because in online dating even bad looking women will still receive tons of it. And if you will be direct and honest about what you want, it might bring you even more attention than any appearance.

  9. For me, a beautiful woman is attractive on the outside and on the inside. I wouldn’t consider a woman beautiful if she is beautiful on the outside but ugly on the inside.

    On the outside, she has a fit and athletic body. She obviously takes great care of her body. Other physical features include sharp eyes, long hair, nice full lips, good clean teeth, and young looking. She has a cheerful countenance that exudes a positive vibe.

    On the inside, she is kind-hearted, easygoing, humble, thoughtful, feminine and confident. She has good social skills and good manners. I also find women with high emotional intelligence to be sexy.

    If you want to be attractive and desirable to men, dress well and take good care of your body. Be approachable. Don’t be standoffish and entitled because of your outer beauty. Be interesting by showing interest in people. Don’t just talk about yourself or only talk when people ask you questions. You should also ask good conversational questions to show that you value others. Smile and laugh to show you enjoy other people’s company. Display maturity. Please don’t play games with men such as playing hard to get. As a man, this behavior is a turn-off for me. Your desirability to men will drop if you keep playing games with them. Most men won’t make further effort to give you attention if you play hard to get. Why should they, if you don’t show interest in them? Also, when men make plans with you, don’t keep cancelling plans. Be reliable, not flaky. Lastly, don’t always complain. Control your emotions and have a good temper.

    There you have it. This is my definition of a beautiful woman. She is one who has both inner and outer beauty.

  10. I would feel that most guys don’t want fake things. The butt lift, lip filler, eyelash fans, fake claws, medium+ makeup, filters, breast enhancements/inserts/lifts, etc.

    Find a guy that thinks you are beautiful as natural as you are.

  11. *”What would you consider a beautiful woman?”*

    A woman that is beautiful.

  12. Be feminine. Be clean. Be kind. Be interesting. Be polite. Be stylish but not obsessed. Wear subtle makeup. Wear long hair. Wear pretty (not slutty) dresses. Be confident but not bitchy, funny but not sassy. Find a balance between demure and flirty. Have strong opinions but don’t be a cunt. Be intelligent but not pretentious. Show respect to everyone by default.

  13. “Women should fix their attitude before they fix their makeup” Auntie Jenny once said.

    Learn cooking, be submissive, don’t be a feminist, don’t make his life hard, don’t be fat, and be truly honest with him.

  14. Inner beauty is easy to talk about. Obviously you want someone kind, decent, selfless, etc. But I personally find that most people are on best behavior at first and you don’t know what their true colors are until…well…until it might be too late and you’re in deep with them. Hindsight is always 20/20 but whenever I hear someone claim to see someone’s inner beauty right away…that sounds a bit foolish/inexperienced to me. Just IMO..

    Physical beauty is eyes of the beholder stuff, we all have different tastes, but..

    For example: Paige Spiranac, Hailey Atwell, Jenna Ortega, Zoe Saldaña, too many others to mention, all very beautiful but look completely different so I can appreciate women who are authentically making the most of themselves and not trying to be someone else. This is what I hope all women can do.

    Then you have the women trying to be Kardashian/Jenner clones who all look kinda similar and that, to me, isn’t very appealing at all. This is something I think women should avoid trying to do.

  15. Of the things she can actually change, long hair is a good start. But since I typically like no-makeup and casual clothes, she kinda just needs to be naturally good looking. But not even conventionally pretty. Just cute. It also helps if we have something to talk about. I just just talk to random women matter how good looking they are. I need a REASON to be talking to her beyond her looks.

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