Suspect my partner is cheating.

We are a couple with 3 kids and not married but been together for just over 10 years.

Recentlt we had an disagreement she got fed up and left the property moody without telling me where she was headed this also left the children puzzled questioning where she had gone. Now at this point I believed she had gone to her parents, siblings, friends as I trust that is where she would go to get some space and clear her mind. After various calls and no return. I asked her if she was at her parents house to which she replied ‘No’ and then asked me to check if the kids were okay. So I text her asking her location and no reply…I put the kids to bed and got to bed. Next morning I wake up to a text from her

Saying she is not in the city and had no contact with her real loved ones and needed complete space to figure out a lot of things. She then proceeded to say all night I would have had no idea where she was, whether she was dead or alive etc and that I did not think when she comes home to even check on her safety considering the last contact was at 20:42.

Saying its not good and how can she feel safe and trust that (Me) will always be there for her and ensure her safety. She says our perceptions are all different but for her that is a massive red flag for someone who is meant to love and care for her. Then she said Imagine if your daughter was in this position and hearing that her partner has not followed up on her Safety when he is the protector in the home………you would not like that.

Now I would hope that my daughter would let us know her whereabouts. This was all extreme. What worries me is that she was out the City which was unlike her and I can’t help but think shes seeing another man behibd my back. Also shes guards her phone and its heavily restricted I don’t think she would let me see her phone if I asked her so I am stuck with my gut feeling. Its a horrible situation to be in because when I question why she didn’t tell me her location she gets incredibly defensive and does not want to talk about it and shuts me down. I have noticed she has been on her phone a lot she usually goes to bed early with the kids but recently we have swapped so shes downstairs until late which is unlike her. Am i right to have this gut feeling? how do I handle this and what are you thoughts? I feel broken

1 comment
  1. This is typical behavior from a cheater to blame you for everything and play the victim! Very disrespectful to not tell you where she is and if a man did that women would have a massive meltdown! As a couple with children you should be able to see her phone and she should be able to see your!! Pay attention to the red flags!!!

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