I met my ex when she was 18 and I was 21. We were together for 4 years until we broke up in 2019. During that time, she treated me like trash… She cheated on me, disrespected and even stole $500 from my bank account without my knowledge.

Fast forward today, she is back trying to get back with me. She has grown up, she says. She keeps blaming her mistreatment of me on her age. How she was young and dumb and now she knows better.

She is constantly trying to reach out to me and even tries to get close to my fam to “rekindle the relationship with them”.

But I can’t bring myself to forgive her.

  1. It absolutely is not, especially since she was an adult when she did all of that. Do not take her back. Full stop.

  2. It’s not a good excuse….

    Yeah 18 year olds can be impulsive and more emotional in serious relationships…. But very few of them steal $500 from a bank account.

    Let her know you’re glad she’s grown up and has matured more… but you’ve moved on.

  3. There’s an old saying in Tennessee – I know it’s in Texas, probably in Tennessee – that says, fool me once, shame on – shame on you. Fool me – you can’t get fooled again.

  4. That’s not a good excuse. She might have grown up, but at 18 she should know right from wrong. You know the stuff you get taught as a child.

  5. Nah dude, just nah. I mean, if you really like her & I want to give her a 2nd chance then go for it but I would just move on. She obviously knows she fucked up & can’t do better than you.

  6. If you’re getting a bad feeling about it, don’t do it.

    Being young is an excuse for staying up late, getting a little too drunk, or driving too fast. Stealing and cheating are deep moral character flaws.

    Did you do that kind of thing when you were young? Do you have friends who did?

    Cut her off. You left her for a reason. Trust your past self.

  7. There is a difference between immaturity and lacking morals. It sounds like she is a bad apple. She was raised wrong and now is a plague to our species. It happens to a lot of humans. They were raised poorly and become really shitty humans. Stay away from those when they reveal themselves. Its super hard for them to change. They usually require a CATACLYSMIC life changing event to become better. Did she witness a miracle? Did she almost get eaten by a bear? Did she watch her parents die like Batman? If not, messing up some more relationships over a short period doesn’t really guarantee change and growth. It definitely doesnt teach you not to lie and steal property from someone. That kinda shit you learn when your 4 or 5, and you dont do it anymore. OR you go your whole life not learning it, and repeat your behavior to poor victims for the rest of your sad days. She didnt change lol

  8. Someone once told me that in order to be a wise old man then you have to be a stupid young man first.
    So it is a good excuse but you can’t keep making the same mistakes you have to learn from your mistakes.
    Not everyone deserves a second chance. If there is nothing she can do for you to forgive her then that’s your answer right there.

  9. Absolutely not.

    Buddy she was 18. The only bad behavior I did at that age was game all night and procrastinate my homework.

    She wants to get back with you cause she knows you’re a good person who treats a woman right and she knows that she’s trash and won’t find someone better. I’m going to bet she went to a slew of boyfriends who were just fuck boys and wanted to use her. That’s who she chose to be man.

    Strike 1: She cheated on you. There’s no accident in cheating. she physically chose to do the steps, go there, talk to whomever and then cheat. Once a cheater always a cheater.

    Strike 2: disrespect. How can you be in a relationship with someone who disrespect you in the past? Who’s to say she’s changed?

    Strike 3: she actively took money out of your account. Not just a little here and there. No. She stole hours worth of work from you. You had to make that up by working at your job to replace money she stole.

    You dealt with this treatment for 4 years. Four years of your life was spent wasted on trash.

    “Young and dumb” man she hasn’t changed a bit. She wants your money and wonderful treatment.

    Block her ass and be done with it. She was rude and nasty to you, took your handearned money and threw it in your face by fucking someone else.

    If she wants you, she can go get somebody else cause you aint about to get that. She did it before. she threw away your relationship.

    Do not go through it again

    If she continues harassing you see about getting a restraining order.

  10. Do not forgive her, she showed her true colors and ruined her chance with you. Dont risk getting back with her man

  11. Even if ur 18. Most 18 year olds know not to cheat, and steal. Block her and move on. The disrespect, ok that can be maturity thing on some level. But there is a line to that u cannot cross and she crossed it.

  12. Definitely not a good excuse. Been there done that. If your not grown up and can act like an adult by 18 then idk what. Also cheating and stealing that much cash from me would of been a one and done situation no matter what the excuse was. I’d run as far away as possible if I was you dude.

  13. Congratulate her on getting her shit together and wish her luck.

    Hopefully she’s changed, but she’s got too much baggage with you at best. At worst it’ll turn into part two.

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