It’s driving me crazy!

The suspicion from almost every male at work I’m working with, the attempts to bring me down and belittle me, the tricks and traps they’re trying to set me…

I’ve been in a hard place for 30 years: ADHD, constant bullying, 3third world country and unrelable social cercle and parents… I’ve been struggling to build my personality and a real understanding of the world I’m living in.

Those couple of last years made me fight back and stand out for myself alot.So Now that peoples can see that there is some cunning behind my gentle simplicity.

But it’s tiring, I have to watch myself everyday and avoid saying anything that can be used against me.

How do you guys handle it and what’s the reason behind all this hostility between us?

  1. >what’s the reason behind all this hostility between us?

    generally speaking, there is no such thing.

  2. >I have to watch myself everyday and avoid saying anything that can be used against me

    Oh boy! I can relate my friend, that was my life until I was 19 and moved away from my home town. I have ADD, Dyscalculia, a lot of PTSD, major trust issues and so I relate. Obviously your story is different from mine.

    >what’s the reason behind all this hostility between us?

    Power and control, plus all this “Alpha Male” bullshit many men (Some of them guys I have worked for) to justify behaving like animals instead of behaving like human beings. But again, in my experince: Its all about power, and control.

    I remember a movie villain once said, *”The ability to cause human suffering is the greatest power of all”.* Its not right, its not just, its sick, its harmful and sadly its not going to end any time soon. Its the main reason why I live like a recluse now, I have no friends nor do I want any, I trust no one, I regard every man alive as a potential threat to my life.

  3. You’re being bullied, bud. This isn’t the standard for most people, sorry to say. When dealing with toxic dudes who are willing to step on you to get ahead, the only options are to let it roll off like it doesn’t bother you, or be more ruthless and step on them first, and the second one is exhausting.

  4. Well, what you describe sounds like a toxic environment.

    However, if everywhere you go seems like a toxic environment, you might be the toxin.

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