That may sound like a stupid question but I hate it when someone asks me about my freetime. I never really had friends and I dont like parties so I usually have nothing to reply. Since I dont meet friends or go to parties I usually reply “nothing” but that probably gives away the impression that im not interested in talking and want to cut the conversation. I want to be honest but I also dont want to be a downer and say something like “yeah I dont have friends so I sit home alone all night”. What possible replies do I have to keep a conversation going?

  1. If someone is asking a particular day “hey whatcha doing Friday July 7?” My go to is: “no plans yet, for this Friday, gonna play it by ear” I have learned socially it looks poorly if you rarely have anything to do so I use this phrase to sound like intend to make plans but just haven’t done so yet

    If someone says what do you usually do on Fridays, you can tell them something like:

    “Fridays are usually open, ill hang with friends, not crazy about parties but I love small get togethers and doing random things like (idk trying rock climbing? Pick something that sounds interesting) on more chill nights I might just order in some Uber eats and watch trashy movies with a friend”

    Conversation wise, you want to balance any negatives with a positive. For everything you don’t like, provide an alternative you do like.

    I hate clubbing so I’d say “not crazy about nightclubs but I love a good dive bar”

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