Yesterday I made a post about how I’m meeting a guy I like today and don’t know how to keep my thoughts platonic, and this is a follow-up on what happened.

We met up and greeted eachother, the first thing he said was asking if I wanna go back to his place. This immedietely made my heart race and get excited, and keeping my thoughts platonic had already become impossible just from that.

We went to his place and he offered me anything to eat or drink, I declined because I don’t like eating/drinking around people, causes anxiety. We sat at a table talking for a while, he was telling me about stuff he’s into but I was unable to say much back because I freeze up when someone asks me what stuff I like. He played piano for a while and I complimented him a bunch.

He was talking about identity stuff and told me he identifies as bisexual, which again got me incredibly excited, at this point I thought I might actually have a chance with him, he was so nice and I enjoyed his company so much. Then after talking for a while he eventually brought up that he had a crush on my other friend, who he has “mixed feelings” about. I pretty much felt my soul leave my body at that point. I tried to act like I was still happy, I don’t think I made it obvious I was into him, at least I don’t think I did.

Then after a while of talking (I was there for about 2 hours at this point) he said “So, do you wanna get going?” and I was immedietely taken back by this. My mind was going “Holy s\*\*\* he wants me to go”. Up until then I was really under the impression he was enjoying our time together. We walked back to the bus stop, I was too deep in my thoughts, trying to understand if I had said something wrong or whatever to really say anything to him.

We waited for the bus while not saying much, we did speak about a show we both like for a bit but was mostly just smiling at eachother. I told him I’m sorry if I was awkward and that I really enjoyed listening to everything he had to say, then I got on the bus.

Got home, my mum greeted me with “you were quick”, which just made me feel worse. Went to my room and immedietely had a break-down, which I’m still currently having.

I think he might have gotten fed up speaking to me because I wasn’t really making conversation at all, I was just waiting for him to start one the whole time, IDK. I just feel like I completely ruined everything. I’m 10 times more into him after today than I was before and I can’t stop thinking about him now. He said he’d see my next thursday when we go to the group thing again, and I’m unsure if I should keep pursuing this or try my hardest to distance myself from him. I really couldn’t pick up on whether he wanted to do this again or not, I feel like he didn’t but I’m too autistic to really judge.

What do I do?

  1. Well, I wouldn’t put all this on yourself. I think it’s VERY odd for him to invite you to his place and then bring up his crush on your friend. Inviting you to his place is a direct indication of interest (in you!), so why bring up the friend?

    Separately it would probably be helpful for you to get more comfortable having relaxed conversations. Basically take whatever he says and LINK to it, with a comment, relevant question or insight of your own, if you have one. Other than that you can talk about yourself, or ask questions about his place (special objects, pictures, anything unusual), what he likes to do, what he’s into, future plans etc.

    Just have fun with it!

    But, I don’t think you did anything wrong.

  2. Pass, move on, he wanted an “in” with your friend.

    Im sorry for your loss

    You did nothing wrong here, it was crappy of the person to not let you hang out longer

    How did you get an introduction with him?

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