So I’m going to a friend’s birthday party tomorrow, and I can’t figure out if I should buy a gift or not. For context, we’re both in our mid 20’s, and have known each other for about a year and a half. The party is a potluck, so I’ll be bringing a food item, and it’s also a joint birthday party, with one of her friends who I don’t know. We’re all broke postgrads, so I feel like there’s not as much of a social obligation to bring a gift, and also there will be other friends there who I didn’t give gifts to on their birthdays (but also they didn’t have parties), but also I would feel a little awkward coming without a gift, especially if other people are gonna bring gifts (which I don’t know about). I was thinking maybe just get two cards (or would one card be better?) and food items for the potluck? Maybe some wine? Should I buy them gift cards? This is really making me anxious, cause I’m just worried that whatever I do, everyone else is going to do the opposite and then judge me.

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