For the past four months I’ve been talking to this woman and have come to the realization that this might be an emotional wound waiting to happen.
Within the first month of talking she overshared and revealed a lot about herself that reveals, frankly, she’s very unstable.
– She told me that “Everyone leaves me and you’re going to leave me too.”
– She reveals that she constantly pushes people away.
– She, right away, started to get incredibly sexual right off the bat.
– I one time fell asleep and didn’t respond fast enough to her text message and the next morning she thought I was “ignoring her” and she was completely angry with me.
– She’s incredibly needy and impulsive.
– Has trust issues
– Disassociates
– Is a Masochist
– Borderline Personality Disorder
And it just goes on.

  1. If it’s been 4 months and she’s not in anyway actively working on these triggers (i.e. therapy etc) then I’d cut sling load. It’s not anyone else’s responsibility to coddle’s one thing to reassure a partner. Especially, when they’re doing the work to self soothe etc. But if they’re not working on themselves a little then what you do won’t matter anyways.

  2. I think you may be dating my ex. But in all seriousness I wouldn’t want to date this girl. I know a lot people may get upset. I majored in psychology in college. I’m telling you this is not something for the faint of heart and it’s only going to get worse. It doesn’t seem like she’s been able to find anyone who can help her understand her disease or help her keep it under control. That isn’t your job. You will hate yourself for doing this I know I did. My ex always used to say she thought she had it maybe she did maybe she didn’t, but god damn she’s the only one who said they thought they had it and it was hell.

  3. You don’t have the super powers to fix her. Seems like she is getting the help needed but still it is all detrimental to you. Don’t sacrifice your well being for someone who need to so much work on themselves before they can enter into a healthy relationship.

  4. Why can’t you date a normal woman who isn’t like this i swear they exist. They may not be so erratic and maybe you get off on the adrenaline rush but start picking women who don’t put you on a roller coaster

  5. I’d say run but I’m sure she would just follow you from her spot in your closet.

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