How do you guys approach your diet trying to get a 6-pack?

  1. Eat whatever I feel like and have year-round abs over 30. Just run 5 miles or swim a mile, cardio, etc. to counter-balance the food intake and burn your core to the ground once in a while to keep the abs fed. It’s easy, most guys just suck.

  2. Generally speaking, you need to really cut bodyfat in order for a 6-pack to become visible, especially if you tend to accumulate fat on your stomach. Drink lots of water, keep your protein levels high, and make sure you’re taking in less calories than you’re burning every day (varies by person).

  3. I get up at 10pm, two hours before I go to sleep, then I start the day with 5.000 push ups and 10.000 pull ups, then I eat half a gram of chicken and go jogging for two hours. After that I reward myself with a carrot – cheat day lol – and then I start my proper workout for the day. It’s all attitude really.

  4. Visible abs is a function of bodyfat percentage and muscle mass (in your abs). Hit the gym with a proven program and improve your diet so you can lose weight / body fat if you have fat covering your stomach. Consuming less calories than you burn is how you lose weight, but what you eat is still important for health. Cut out sugary drinks and lots of processed foods. Eat mostly whole foods and get lots of protein and veggies.

    EDIT: just to be clear you CAN have visible abs without much muscle mass, but they’re going to look very flat and weak and you’ll just look skinny. Thick, strong abs are built with resistance training and revealed in the kitchen.

  5. Cut down on sugar and carbs, make healthy eating choices, ride a bike (assault bike or other) 4 times a week.

  6. Intermittent fasting with an AM eating window, no more that a third of calories from carbs, very limited alcohol. I find the consuming oil outside the window, less than 40g, doesn’t have an insulin response so doesn’t constitute a breaking a fast for this purpose.

  7. I go to the shop and buy one. Then I drink it.

    All that muscle-man shit is more effort than it’s worth, trust me. Just focus on cardio and strength.

  8. Well there’s a difference between visible abs and functional abs.

    In my opinion, body building is useless. It doesn’t matter what you look like if you don’t have functional strength. Power lifting is king, of course, in my opinion. What’s the point in *looking* strong and not *being* strong? I have a friend who *looks* way more in shape than me, but he doesn’t work out with me because he can’t hang.

    Generally the strategy is to bulk and build strength by increasing your caloric intake and lifting heavy, then cut body fat very slowly and gradually by lowering your caloric intake and increasing your cardio routines. You want to cut weight gradually for a couple of reasons.

    Number one, drastic weight loss in a short period of time will significantly impact the strength gains you made while bulking. This is empirical. If you cut weight too fast, you will lose muscle mass because your body just won’t have the nutrients to maintain or even gain strength during your lifts.

    Number two, your body will naturally hit weight loss plateaus, so if you hit weight loss routines hard from the beginning then hit a plateau, you can’t really cut more calories from your diet or increase your cardio if you’re already firing at all cylinders.

  9. Diet? Dude just jump rope for 40 min a day in 10 min increments for 2-1/2 months. You’ll get shredder. It’s grueling though

  10. Some strange advice here from other commenters, I’d go with what 7000rpm said that’s all spot on.

    Just some form of calorie deficit diet that you can stick to and is healthy (avoiding extreme stuff like trying to eat no sugar etc) combined with weight training that you should be doing anyway with some direct ab training at least twice a week to help grow them like any other muscle

    The training part is super important as it stops you ending up skinny with no ab definition cause you’ve not trained them. Nothing worse than already being skinny and considering cutting even more food intake to ‘reveal’ abs that are barely poking out to begin with

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