I give up, nah.

It hasn’t even been a year yet since my friend group in school did an order 66, leaked my conditions to bullies and bailed.

Now it’s happening again. My friend in class, (A) (who’s also my relative) and another (H) one are going to a private teacher since a month ago. We used to go with (A)’s car because teacher is far away, though everytime we do so I’d get berrated and lowkey bullied by the two, called names, made fun off for ducking normal things (stuttering and one time saying morty really fast).

They’d even do this during class, no stop. So I did the normal thing and stopped going with them, a taxi is less toxic. Now they got even more focused on bullying me. Like saying that I have autism, phyiscally unfit(kinda true), illiterate because I carry a fold knife with me for self defense, not wanting to go out under hot sun in the mid of noon, drip, I even solved an equation on the board and they bullied me for it for some reason even tho we all did it.

Now to add more context, me and (A) has been friends for 4 years and he never acted like this. As well as (H), we did have debates about certain things but that’s it. Now they both act like assholes.

I kinda confronted them about it today. Told them what’s wrong and they just kept avoiding the problem, I know they know, I am good at knowing when a person is avoiding confrontation. They both just kept bullying me more and acting like they don’t know why I am upset.

I am sick of this, I hate it, I hate the fact that I can’t trust anyone, I hate double standards. I am sick of being called autistic for not talking shit back to people talking shit for no reason. I am sick of living on this planet. I think imma rob a store.

  1. I’m sorry you had to go through this. Your friends are really not your friends at all. School is cruel and full of immature kids, I went through something similar when I was in school.

    Focus on yourself and ditch those idiots. I wish that you will find people who appreciate and respect you.

  2. Ditch them and don’t do something you would regret later (like robbing a store)

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