Some context: we scheduled an electrician we’ve worked with before to come out and do some work. Electrician misrepresented when he’d be coming out–he said Wednesday (I had called on Tuesday) when unbeknownst to me, he actually meant the Wednesday after. I had to change my work schedule around, and of course, he never showed up. This electrician prefers to communicate via text, so that’s how I reached out to see what had happened.

Here’s a transcript:

Me: Hey [name redacted], I’m sorry, did you mean next Wednesday?

Electrician: Yes, sorry I meant next Wednesday

Me: Sorry, that’s my fault. I thought today was oddly soon, so I should have checked. Hope you’re staying nice and cool, we’ll see you next Wednesday!

Electrician: We’re trying to work. Thanks. See you next Wednesday.

I was pretty taken aback, because I read this as a “stop bothering me” rebuke. But considering that he miscommunicated the day he’d be out, causing me to adjust my work schedule, I would have thought a reply from me confirming that next Wednesday is still ok would be expected? I was also trying to be gracious, and my last text wasn’t asking for a response. I thought it was clear I was just re-confirming.

My social skills with reading text tone are not great though. Am I misreading this? Was this just a “we can’t stay cool unfortunately” thing? Right now I’m kind of uncomfortable letting these people in my house now, but we need the work done, and I don’t feel safe calling this guy out on rudeness.

What’s everyone else’s take on this, and what should I do?

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