If you don’t, when did you stop? Right after you got married or later?

For example, my husband and I will celebrate our third wedding anniversary next year, but it will also be the tenth year of our relationship and that’s not a milestone I want to skip celebrating! So far we’ve celebrated both days every year and we love the extra opportunity to spoil each other ❤️

  1. Honestly neither one of us remember when we got married, but we celebrate the anniversary of when we started dating every year.

  2. That’s actually the only anniversary we celebrate! We got married 12 years into our now 14 year relationship, so the more meaningful date to us is the day we met.

  3. We never really have celebrated it, be it when just dating or marriage. We’ve had offers from relatives to take our son so we could have the day together so we accept and just do whatever, but we’ve never really celebrated it.

    It’s just an acknowledgement that our anniversary has come and that’s basically it.

  4. Yes, but here’s why: We met at a super bowl party in college.

    My buddies and I were so glad to get out of the dorms by going to this party at a house. There was this cute girl with the pretty eyes that I was attracted to. She was helping to cook some burgers that were broiling in the oven. She pulled it out, tilted the pan and some grease dripped out and CAUGHT FIRE!

    I thought to myself, “That woman can cook!” 😝 (Seriously, she’s truly a savant with cooking–absolutely unbelievably talented)

    So every year since, the super bowl is special to us and we always reminisce and the food and drinks are more for us than the game itself.

  5. Yes. We have been together 16 years. My wife wrote a short story about how we met and fell in love. Every year on our dating anniversary we read it together. That date is just as special to us as our wedding anniversary.

  6. I proposed a year after we started dating (within a few days of the actual anniversary). That was was a pretty good dating anniversary celebration, and we only had the one before getting married 5 months later. So no, we really never think of it.

    But I can see how dating for more than half of your relationship, that anniversary would feel like something to celebrate.

    But I think you can celebrate both on the same day too. **Your anniversary is not a celebration of a day but of a relationship.** Your wedding anniversary better represents the current state of your relationship and commitment. So if you every feel like it’s too much to do both or that doing both makes one or both feel less special, I’d just celebrate the wedding anniversary.

    But if you feel celebrating both bring something special with it, then keep doing that. There’s certainly nothing wrong with that.

  7. Occasionally especially the “special ” ones. This past year was the 40th anniversary of our first date. We invited a few of our closest friends to dinner to celebrate with us. Since our first date was homecoming, I had pictures of the day. I had one of us together all dressed up blown up to poster size to surprise my wife at dinner. It was intended to be a one time use but somehow ended up on our wall.

  8. We never celebrated our normal dating anniversary, I don’t think either of us put a lot of emphasis of dates. We celebrate our married one by going on a longer trip than normal without our kids, but it doesn’t even have to be for that exact trip. Like we took a cruise two months after the actual date last year.

  9. We celebrate both. My parents have been together for 35 years, and they still celebrate both their dating and wedding anniversaries!

  10. Not really because they’re only a month apart, 11 months apart from meeting to marrying. 😆 We do acknowledge it every year though and feel like we just got another year on top of our married years. 7 last month!!

  11. Yes. We celebrate three dates. The date we met, the date we moved in together and the date we married.

  12. I remember that it’s May 17 every year, and tell her we should go to the diner where we had our first date. I give her the puppy dog eyes, which I suck at.

    She looks at me with a nauseous expression and says something like “Jesus H. Christ, I married Sandra Dee.”

    It’s okay. Sarcasm is our love language.

  13. Lol yes but we kinda cheated… we got married on our dating anniversary. We’ve been together for 14 years, married for 10.

  14. We celebrate the day we met in person for the first time (we met online), we call it our “kiss-aversary” – it was a super special day for us, lots of happy memories.

  15. I set our wedding date as close as possible lol. July 5th was our first date (11 years) and July 7th was our wedding (4 years). We celebrate them both but at the same time.

  16. We kept it easy and got married on the same day. Son was born the day before last year. So yeah, lots of celebrating and no excuses about forgetting, I guess.

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