I often see people on this sub talking about wanting to be more likeable and that vibe is the most important. But what is “vibe”?

  1. Short for Vibration. Someone’s energy. Could be good, bad, calm, chaotic, high, low, ect. That’s just a small part of it but that’s my quick take.

  2. It’s a combination of all things that make you who you are and how you act in a certain moment, and the specific feeling that gives someone. Body language, clothes, way of speaking, etc.

    I gues a synonym could be “overall impression” or something like that.

    My analysis: you usually have very little control over what vibe you give off, and the more you try to grasp for such control, the worse your vibe is going to be.

  3. Yes same I think its your mood , and stick to your partner or groups mood or energy maybe even culture I dont know.

  4. A personal emotional state or the atmosphere of a place as communicated to and felt by others

    It’s a personal feeling that people tend to give off, if you are cranky and easily agitated you give a “negative vibe.” People can intuitively pick up on that, they see your body language your tone of voice.

    It’s also an atmosphere of a place, such as work, depressing feeling or a bright positive feeling brought on by the presence of others

  5. Vibing with someone is a genuine and mutual experience that occurs occasionally in a person’s life. When it happens, it’s important to appreciate it as it adds to your personal journey and story. While you don’t have to hold onto it tightly, if the harmony continues, it’s worth enjoying. I recently had the pleasure of meeting an incredible woman with whom I shared an amazing connection. Our intimacy reached an incredibly heightened level, lasting for six hours or even the entire day. It’s a sensation that defies explanation but is purely based on the strong connection we share.

  6. Vibe to me is just a way of describing energy and I think the essence of it is actually aura frequency ambience I mean they’re all have the same interchangeable with using them

    For example you can say my energy is off today

    It will be the same as saying my vibe is excellent today.

    Or this room has a interesting vibe
    Then the room has a welcoming aura

    But if we got specific maybe it’s a short way of explaining the vibrations. 🧐🤗

    Unrelated.. I want to make myself useful I just want to make myself useful I just want to help do something keep someone from being bored That’s all I want. It’s so HARD to focus… Too many tears..

  7. It’s what people used to call “personality”. Some people will try to argue semantics but it’s literally what it boils down to.

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