In pictures and god forbid flash, my face looks so unhuman, I don’t know what’s going on. The same doesn’t apply for others around me but me. I think I might be ugly.

  1. How comfortable are you When you get your picture taken? I don’t think that your ugly. But i think it could be your just uncomfortable in front of a camera

  2. Here’s the thing. The majority of people think they look ugly in photos.

    I think it has something to do with us not seeing ourself in the photos as we see ourself in the mirror due to it being a reflected image. If it is a digital photo, try to flip it.

    Also we tend to tense up and try to pose for the photo which changes our natural expressions. Another thing is that irl we are always in motion while in photos we are static. Have you tried pausing a movie at a random tome and see how weird the expressions are when frozen?

  3. I used to feel really ugly as a teen and then I grew older, am older now at 23 and I guess I went through what they called a “glow up” because I feel really happy about my looks now. I don’t know if this is a universal experience but from my experience, my advice would be to trust the process.

  4. You should ask this is r/beauty

    But i felt like my face was kinda lopsided until i started facial massage so you could try that

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