Thank you so much for the support and advice, everyone. Means a lot!

**So, TLDR, how long does your first love stick with you? Am I pathetic for letting this hurt me? What does it mean to be truly over someone? Where am I supposed to put these feelings?**

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  2. It’s normal to feel sad and compare yourself to your ex especially when you’re the one who was dumped. At the end of the day though, you want a man who is so excited to be with you and thinks you are the love of his life. Your ex was not that for you, maybe he is for someone else, but that’s just the way it goes. It’s better to be single than in a relationship where the other person does not care for you back and will not treat you right. I know it hurts when you think you found that but then you lose it again and you’re not stupid or weak for feeling sad about that. Focus on spending time with friends and family who do love you and do treat you well! And hopefully you meet someone new, but nothing in this life is guaranteed, so treasure the good people and moments you do have. I’m sorry to hear about your dad, I hope you are doing okay. It sounds like you are going through a lot so please reach out to those who care about you. ❤️

  3. You want answers for questions we can’t give you. There are no timiles for healing being heartbroken. It will pass.
    One thing I can tell you: time will pass, you will look back and ask yourself: “why I have wasted my time, health and nerves for this? I should have lived my life like nothing happened.”

  4. There is nothing pathetic about loving someone and getting hurt because they did not love you back. There is no definite timeline when you “get over” someone, especially when its your first love. Everytime you love someone, there are certain things that will stick with you – a moment, a specific taste, a feeling or a place. For example, I will never be able to see a bottle of limoncelo without remembering a date with a girlfriend from my early 20s and how her eyes looked that night.

    The key to moving on is that you should eventually get to a place where these things make you smile and be appreciative that you had that experience and met the person. Despite what Hollywood tells you, a quality of the relationship is not necessarily defined by its length. The fact that a relationship does not end with “happily ever after” does not diminish the feeling you had (for each other).

  5. I had something similar happen to me ! Much less intense than your experience but someone who I was physically enthralled by. Sex was insane but ultimately we decided to break things off because of different life goals, incompatibility in terms of what we valued and some issues she has to work through on her end. She’s also part East Asian and wants to eventually move back to that part of the world, whilst all my roots are in Canada

    On paper it made sense to not see her again, but we live about 1km apart and I saw her getting drinks with someone else. We had been apart for maybe 5 months, but I felt physically sick from the jealousy of seeing her with someone else. Logic went out the window and all the feelings I had came rushing straight back. It was really overwhelming, and it even affected my sleep for days. Friends suggested just seeing other people, but I really had no desire to, because they just weren’t her

    Best thing you can do is to keep your mind occupied and to try and block out all reminders of them. Remove from socials, get them out of your phone, throw out anything they might have given you and let time do the healing. This has happened to me before with a girlfriend of ~18 months that I used to think about every day, but I don’t really feel anything towards her now. Hoping it will be the same for me here

  6. Ohhh man, I went through a lot of the same things last year. It is fucking rough but I promise you, it’ll get better. You said yourself, that you had a good few weeks, that will return soon!

    Don’t let one little moment take more of your time and heart than it deserves. We all have moments of time when we look up an ex and then get hit with the same thing.

    Just because it didn’t work out doesn’t mean it is a reflection of you! You’re great and deserve to be with someone who also thinks you’re great!

    So when I would get like this, and this probably not a healthy thing to do but hey, it worked, I would write down all the not great times and bits from my past relationship and then read that when I had a moment of nostalgia. I would always remember all the amazing parts and needed a reminder from myself about all the not amazing parts to remember that I am actually way better off now than I was in that relationship. I’m not saying to vilify the guy or anything but just give your memories some balance as to not only remember the good time. Not sure if I should be recommending such a thing but it worked for me. I don’t look at the list now and I can think of him and the good times without missing him at all now.

    Getting hurt absolutely sucks. Falling in love with someone who doesn’t feel the same way is absolutely heartbreaking but you will move on and feel good again!!
    I know it sucks to hear at the time but time does heal wounds. The sun will absolutely shine again!

  7. Others are offering great advice about working through the emotions, but I’d like to offer a different bit of practical advice: stop looking at his socials! You’re not still following him, are you? Remove him from your social media accounts and block his social media profiles if necessary–not because he did anything wrong, necessarily, but rather for your own emotional well-being and to help you achieve closure and move on without reopening the wound.

  8. This is going to be a cliche, but the only way out is through.

    Do not try to fight your feelings, do not for a second think that this is something you shouldn’t be feeling or that it’s supposed to be less painful than it is or that you’re supposed to get over it faster, etc.

    This is completely natural, and if you acknowledge that you’re feeling like crap and allow yourself to feel it fully, you’ll process it faster.

    That said, there are differently effective ways of thinking about it. Simply ruminating and thinking the same thing over and over is not helpful – but actively processing is. Get in front of a therapist or a very emotionally mature friend and they’ll help you.

  9. You didn’t “do this to yourself,” social media is designed to be as addictive as possible. I’m saying this with compassion, as somebody else who’s been there… just block him. You won’t regret it.

  10. oh i feel you so much. i love this song by miley cyrus “nothing breaks like a heart”, and anything amy winehouse.

    For me, it just takes time. I’ve gotten my heart broken a few times, and these days it’s more of a humbling experience, and I remind myself and feelings change over time, and one day you won’t hurt like you do today, but you just have to go through it, just go through the motions of going out with friends, learning to cross stitch, watching movies, making food, working out…and then one day you will know you have moved on.

    goodluck, you got this.

  11. You have dealt with a lot of grief in a very short period of time. There are two things you should do here:

    1. Block him on all socials, do not look at them – it’s only going to invite heartache into your life and will not make anything better.
    2. Find some support. If you work, perhaps there is some sort of EAP benefit at your job that includes bereavement counseling. Whatever it is, talking to someone about the death of your father as well as the death of your relationship will help you.

    Finally, it was never you or anything you’re lacking – sometimes these things just don’t work out. I promise you I have been where you are … a few times. I’ve loved again – and am now happily married. You’ll get there again.

  12. My advice is “don’t” don’t purposely avoid places they might be. But do purposely avoid social media, places you know they will be, avoid asking about them. Find a good solid group of people to spend time with. It sucks but the actual truth is time heals.

  13. >What does she have that I don’t? Then blamed him for not being his best self with me – “if he wasn’t so anxious then we could have been so great! If we met after he got his footing at his job, it would be fine! If i didn’t cry about my sisters both being pregnant it wouldn’t have spooked him!”

    He having a new, perhaps more compatible relationship with someone else is not a personal attack on you.

    You have to understand than, someone rejecting you, or changing their feelings about you is not a personal attack, you can’t be the cup of tea for everyone.

  14. Don’t look at their social media pages. Block them.

    If you have other family and friends (not connected to this person) – draw on them in your time of need.

  15. Firstly, you are not pathetic. These things take time. Truly I think it’s harder when the relationship is shorter and you are plagued by the “what ifs” and thinking about what could have been rather than something that has run its course. I have been there. Just get rid of them on social media. You don’t need to be seeing their new Insta pics, the Facebook posts or their Snapchat score increasing rapidly.

  16. When dealing with heartbreak, I feel like our brain really likes to look back with rose-colored glasses. But that’s all it is… a fantasy. It’s not what reality was. I’ve found remembering the reality helps me to realize I’m grieving a fantasy version of the person I was with. In fact, one thing I ask myself when I’m feeling super down is, “Would little girl me dream of walking down the aisle with someone who was constantly thinking of leaving me? Is that what she would want for her future?” It tends to snap me out of the reminiscing which tends to be a mixture of reality and lies anyways and the fantasy “what if’s” and drags me back to reality real quick.

    It’s not wrong to miss certain things about them etc…. I think a part of me will always miss him but try to make peace with the fact they weren’t right for you. For me, learning to love myself was really the key. Nurture yourself. Listen to podcasts or read books about dealing with breakups, grief, etc. Once you really lean in to meeting your own needs and loving yourself, you realize you deserve more than someone who is always thinking of leaving.

  17. Please be gentle with yourself, and if you feel physical pain, your body is processing it as physical pain. This may sound weird, but if you take Tylenol or ibuprofen for pain, treat this in a similar manner. It obviously doesn’t change your feelings but it may save your body some of the acute distress.

    Looking at this situation as a learning curve, ideally with a therapist, might be helpful to acknowledge that it can be the right person and the wrong time, or the wrong person at the right time.

    TLDR; It’s not pathetic. It’s grief.

  18. First of all, this is all totally normal and I’d feel the exact same way if I were in your shoes. Heartbreak hurts! Your brain actually processes emotional and physical pain pretty similarly. This sucks and might suck for a while, but will gradually suck less and less as time goes on. Time and redirecting your attention are the only thing that helps in my experience. Get rid of all reminders – delete him on your socials, block his number, get rid of any pictures, pursue your hobbies, watch your favorite movie, and start doing all of the things that make you feel alive. Refocus your energy on YOU. You have to look out for you above all else. After all, you deserve better and will be the perfect match for someone. And that someone is dancing a jig today, even if they’re not sure why. This too, shall pass. (Even if it doesn’t seem like it right now)

  19. You’re not at all pathetic. I was with my one & only gf for 9 years (all throughout my 20s). I didn’t want marriage because I was still making advancements in my career, which then includes slow financial progressions, that marriage wouldn’t have been the smartest thing for us. Had to be practical because love isn’t gonna pay the bills. We were on & off long distance, & throw in her wanting marriage no matter what (mixed in with a few other crucial things), we ended up breaking up. Being single & being long distance feel almost the same except for having that person you’ve talked to everyday. And that’s what I missed the most. The friendship. She was my best friend & since my love language is “quality time”, it wasn’t easy for me.

    That was 4 years ago & I haven’t dated since due to my work schedule & just wanting to be single. She dated a guy right after me for a year & now she hates his guts. Her being with someone else didn’t feel great, but being in a different city, wasn’t remotely close to being around her to see it. When she broke up with him is when I heard from her for the first time in over a year. It felt great to talk to my best friend again. I thought I was over her, but hearing that they had sex at some point hurt me. I would’ve expected them to do it, but confirming it hit me different.

    We keep in touch pretty regularly & we now live in the same city (which is my hometown). The guy she’s with now is a lot different. I met him at a festival last year & I won’t lie it felt a little weird. But it hasn’t fully bothered me, until she said they decided on moving in together in the less than 1 yr together. Now that hurt.

    So bottom line, I’ve been single for 4 years & this whole time I thought I had gotten over her, hearing her planning to move in with him has really been bothering me. But, I can’t dwell on it. I haven’t tried dating yet, but since you have I think shows more strength than what I have to move on. I’m not trying to compare & contrast who had it better or worse between you & me, I’m just saying I feel your pain, but again, you’ve proven stronger than me to make an attempt with OLD, where I haven’t & can’t get myself to. I don’t know if you’re religious or not, but this could be God saying y’all were meant to be together for only a short bit, & that he has someone better for you later on. Don’t give up & stay strong.

  20. Hugs! Pain lingers but becomes less as time rolls on. Hopefully If there’s a lesson you’ll b a better person for it

  21. Have boundaries – block them everywhere. To validate your feelings – Rejection feels horrible, but my mindset is I don’t want to be with someone that doesn’t want to be with me. Therapy helps immensely.

    Also, I personally would feel like if they rushed into something new too quickly that’s not really going to bode well for them or that new person anyway, and whatever issues they’re not dealing with are only going to be repeated patterns, so thankfully whatever issues or incompatibles you maybe had in those 8 months are things you don’t have to deal with them anymore.

  22. You aren’t pathetic but you are very attached to what could have been vs what did. He did not reciprocate your feelings and that sucks.

    The part you have to work on to be free of this pain is acceptance vs what you hoped would happen for your future.

    Block and delete him if you can’t control the urge to reach out. No looking up folks on socials etc.

    He is not the only time you were happy, he is just a recent time you that your brain rosy remembers when you feel lonely late at night or go on a shitty date. You have to replace this thought pattern. Phone a friend, hit the gym, take a bubble bath doesn’t matter you get the idea. Pets are great too. Cuddly and loyal. Consider visiting other people’s pets if you are unable to commit to one.

    He wasn’t the perfect person. He isn’t the only person. You deserve someone who will love you, quirks and all. Do you remember junior high? How passionate we were for boys we weren’t even banging? Things hurt so much back then when they went to shit for the same reason they do now because it wasn’t about the moment it was about everything it _could_ have been.

    Hang in there ❤️

  23. >how long does your first love stick with you?

    in my experience, you remember them forever but it doesn’t sting for that long. everyone has different healing times, but be patient with yourself on a time frame.

    >Am I pathetic for letting this hurt me?

    absolutely not. you’re human. it’s better to have loved and all that.

    >What does it mean to be truly over someone?

    I think this is different for everyone. you’ll know.

    >Where am I supposed to put these feelings?

    all i can tell you is i wish i had directed mine into working on myself.

    also, remove the social media triggers. it’s not healthy or good for the healing journey. gl. it just takes time. you might as well do something for yourself during that time.

  24. Oh man…my first breakup took me a really long time to get over. I had been with him for 4 years so that also contributed to the long recoery time. I was functioning OK after a few months but still thinking about him and sad. I tried to date again after about 6 months but wasn’t really into the new guys. I still kept dating anyway since you need to practice meeting new people after being in a relationship for so long. I think it took me about a year to fully process it where I wasn’t thinking about him, and if he did pop up in my thoughts, it didn’t really give me any big emotional responses.

    Btw, I’d like to suggest that you delete him from your social media so that you can’t see what he’s up to and what new girl he’s dating…so you don’t open yourself up for more opportunities to feel hurt.

  25. Block him on everything, you are torturing yourself. Time is the only healer to heartbreak and there’s no timeline. It is a form of grief and grief takes as long as it takes. You’ve been through a lot. There’s nothing wrong with you at all. You know yourself some people are better suited than others and that is what it is. Never compare yourself to anyone. There’s only one you and you’re just right, just the way you are

  26. There is a really good Instagram page called yourbreakupbestie.

    I highly recommend you subscribe.

    I feel your pain and I’ve been there.

    The page provides tons of helpful posts and reels that help managing exactly this situation and the thoughts going through your mind.

    I found it extremely helpful.

    Wishing you all the best, you’ll get there.

  27. So with my experience…it took me quite a while to get over my ex wife…and even at that I still have moments of sadness. We got married young, too young, but I loved her so fully I couldn’t describe it. She was my first actual relationship and we had many firsts together, and we also not only had a child together but we also suffered a miscarriage. We had been through a lot together…and the day our marriage ended I was still totally in love with her. But she told me that she lost her love for me several years before. We had been married for 7.5 years (we were 22 when married). But do to certain circumstances that I’m not gonna get into, we couldn’t separate or divorce even though she wanted to. She said I just wasn’t her type along with many other things that honestly kind of robbed me of fond memories that I thought we had. So in hindsight, I know exactly what it’s like to love someone who doesn’t love you back. Obviously it destroyed me…and for a while I went the wrong way and started taking up habits I didn’t want to like smoking. I also started having a problem with alcohol and i even had a period of 3 or 4 weeks where I was hungover at work every day. I really struggled getting through it…and especially when she started dating a guy a month or so after our marriage ended…and they became serious pretty quick. But eventually I did get straightened out and got a lot better. I replaced smoking with vaping, and I got myself busy in the gym again. I even took up boxing as well. Ultimately time was the biggest thing…I just wish I hadn’t let myself start to fall the wrong way. But I say all this because I believe there is no shame in having a hard time losing someone…it’s not an easy thing and everyone deals with it differently. I’ll have to be involved with her to an extent because of our son, but at least now it doesn’t fuck with my brain when I see her. If we didn’t have a child together I know that I would have gone no contact and how that would have played out I don’t know…but either way, time is the biggest thing I believe.

  28. You’re doing good. The only thing you need more is time.

    Don’t look him up again. Don’t contact him again. And let time help you finish process everything.

  29. When I went through an incredibly hard breakup, I remember wishing I could talk to my future self. The version of me that had already made it through to the other side and was no longer hurting. So that’s what I did… talk to future me when was alone and write in my journal to her. It offered some comfort, truly believing that I *would* get through this because Future Me did.

    And because I’m kind of a dork who loves books about time travel and alternate timelines… every once in awhile I think back to that time, and I tell my Past Self that everything is going to be okay. That I know she’s hurting, but everything turns out very good for her in the end. I’m still single, but I am very happy and confident and people like me. That’s enough for me.

  30. I am here with you. I found someone that was everything I’ve ever wanted, except for the fact that he was never 100% sure about us. I’ve been grieving the relationship longer than I was in it at this point. I’m having a hard time imagining a future where I find someone I can dive into the deep end like that again, but I have to keep telling myself it’s out there. I also saw him on a date the other day with this absolutely gorgeous woman and I also started playing the comparison game.

    If you want to talk my messages are open. I’m so sorry someone else knows this pain.

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