My boyfriend and I are in back and forth long distance.

It’s normally fine in-person when we are hanging out and he goes to play online games with his friends, because I like watching him play.

But we’ve been having issues with him prioritising his friends when we are long distance. For example, if we have a call scheduled he will try to move it when they suddenly make plans because he sees us as flexible. Today, we had movie time and during the session he suddenly asks me if he can go play COD with his friends. I got pissed at him because we have a 2 hour Timezone difference and I have work tomorrow but I still make time to stay up. It just felt like he was pushing us aside again. Especially since he plays with the boys all the time.

Now reflecting on it, I don’t know if it was wrong with me to be angry because he honestly was just asking a question. Although, the fact that he asked means he wants to play.

TLDR: Boyfriend ditched me for a game with the boys, I feel like I am overreacting.

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