Hi everyone, I’m 22F with a long term (3ish years) boyfriend. I used to have such a high sex drive and now I never want to do anything. The drive isn’t there and it basically feels like a desert down there. I’m in a high stress academic program so I’m sure that has something to do with it, but I’ve been stressed before and my libido has never been this bad. I’ve messed with my antidepressants (even stopped taking them under medical supervision), changed my diet, I exercise, nothing seems to work. I’m open to trying supplements, but I’m usually weary because I’m on birth control. Any advice for me??

  1. Do you force yourself to have sex with bf? Maybe you’re not attracted to him.

  2. Have you considered changing your BC? One of the side effects to different HBCs is lowered libido (which makes sense since HBC is literally tweaking your hormones).

    Question: have you two taken a trip together? Was sex easier on the trip?

    Or if you haven’t taken one, try to squeeze one in when possible. Doesn’t have to be extravagant. It’s all about getting away from a stressful environment + change of scenery.

    Unfortunately, diagnosing a low libido isn’t an exact science because there’s so many possibilities, including “this is where you naturally are right now.”

    Are you familiar with responsive desire and the metaphor of brakes and accelerators?

  3. i think it’s just a symptom of mental health issues because when I was depressed i lost my sex drive for a year but then it came back as the opposite

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