There is nothing wrong with seeking out a partner to enhance your life and provide an additional opportunity for both giving and receiving love.

Dating is not and should not be used as a litmus test to find out if you’re loveable or a platform to prove that you’re worthy of someone else’s attention. Why? Because you will attract those who will play you then ghost you because they will treat you accordingly. If you already see yourself deficient in any kind of way and you’re hoping being taken out on a nice date or having a loving, attentive partner will soothe those feelings for you, it won’t.

The main reason why, after 20 years of playing the game, I attracted less than stellar partners and allowed myself to be mistreated and accepted breadcrumbs of what I thought was love was because I subconsciously put out the vibe and told them, “Because I don’t truly love myself or value myself, you should treat me the same way.” So they did.

Trust, if someone can’t or is not willing to recognize your worth, move on. If you make someone else your priority while you remain their option (or one of many others), move on. Being alone is painful, but it is a million times better than trying to convince someone of your worth.

  1. if I don’t don’t have to convince anyone then why dose everyone tell me to convince them

  2. >You don’t have to convince anyone you are worthy and loveable

    **WRONG: You do have to convince yourself imo.**

    (I think your post title is badly worded.)

  3. At this point I am having a hard time convincing myself that I am lovable. Thankfully you cant miss what you have never had so I dont know any different.

  4. The game for an ugly dude is just that, trying to convince people Im lovable. Im not able to do that. So here I am. Its why I just quit the game and dont expect to ever find love.

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