What’s your good deed that didn’t go unpunished?

  1. When I was younger I was a part of a few Harry Potter online communities. I made the mistake of giving suggestions on a post about someone talking about how they had a hard time taking in the content of the books. So I told them about the various ways that they could get their hands on the books and find time to take them in. The reaction I got was a bit off, like I said something uber offensive. They just wouldn’t let up and wanted to start shit no matter how I responded. Funny enough people don’t really sweat what I did in any other sort of fan communities for a franchise that has films based off the books or whatever.

  2. Told a 15 year old not to have sex with his 19 year old instructor at work when he asked me about it. Was subject to sexual harassment disciplinary measures for saying she intended to fuck him.

  3. Fresh out of my divorce, I dated a woman that turned out to be an alcoholic on a dry spell. She went on a bender, disappeared, cheated. We broke up.

    Her mom and daughter would then call me when she disappeared and I’d text her because she always answered my texts. Pick her up at whatever hell hole she was squirreled away at, dump her on the couch to sleep it off then drop her at home the next day. Little girl calling asking to find her mom, what can you do? She’d always want to give it another go, but I was not giving that thought even a passing consideration.

    Finally stopped helping because this woman would tell anyone she could, FB groups, friend groups, my sisters…you name it that I just strung her along for a year. Really drug me through the mud. It never occurred to her I only showed up when her family was looking for her until I told her. By then she was already committed to her line. Whole time she was saying all this, she was also ubering to my house drunk every couple months trying to talk me into “trying it again”. Took me four years to finally get her to just go away.

  4. Bent some stupid academic rules to give a struggling student a break. The Dean didn’t appreciate it and the student thought she had manipulated a sucker.

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