Its the quickest way to get me to stop talking to someone tbh lol.

  1. Probably becuz they’re tryna make you jealous and see if you care//a way of being petty becuz they’re pissed (or if you were a jerk, so they tryna get back at you)//simply not being into you enough to talk about other dudes …

  2. checking compatibility, depending on the information you then know if this is for one time, short fling, for life or naw man this is crazy, I rather use the shat on and broken heroin needle to get less stds.

  3. Isn’t that what attractive guys do, tell everyone about the women they banged? What’s wrong with women doing it, if you have something to flex why not flex?

  4. Seriously it happened to me once and the womans attractiveness went down 98%

  5. I don’t know but I agree it is disrespectful and don’t want to hear about it. If I’m not talking about the girls I banged, I don’t want to hear about the guys who banged you. Especially if it was a “met the guy and we fucked 45 minutes later” type of deal. A lot of people will say “women aren’t your property and can have sexual experiences before you!!!!” No one denied that. All I said was I don’t want to hear or know about it. You’re allowed to accept and deny the information you wish to know. I’m also allowed to interpret and accept what is and is not disrespectful to me. If someone doesn’t like that, they’re more than welcomed to go tell another man about all the prior men they’ve slept with.

    Edit: thinking about it now, I feel like it’s just an attempt to feel empowered. Sort of how men would feel bothered of being with a woman who’s had more sex with more people than they have, I feel like women must be bothered to a degree as well, and it’s a woman’s attempt to say “I have had just as many, if not more, sexual encounters than you, so we are now even” even though it wasn’t a competition to begin with.

  6. I think it’s two fold. One girls bond over sharing intimate things together. Yes, women literally talk about their sex lives together. And she talking to you and sex is on her mind. It’s up to you to see which one it is.

  7. I don’t really see this happening without a bunch of context, but anyone bringing up sexual history unprovoked is kind of weird, man, woman, or non-binary it doesn’t matter. If that’s what we’re talking about or it’s related in some way it’s not that strange to me.

  8. She thinks of you as a girl.

    You either say you don’t want to hear about it OR you talk about how you took a cheerleader’s virginity under the bleachers and it bled all over her pleated skirt.

  9. Depending on how she presents it. she might be trying to get you to do the nasty with her. Or prove that she can get with any guy. She ain’t heard about the lock n key thing. Remember what you read here is a lie

  10. We’ll just remember if it was good they would still be talking with that person.

  11. She’s likely perverted, might have a weird fetish, might not belive you and sex before, idk. We’d need more context but yea one of those reasons.

  12. I got downvoted for implying this once, when I clearly stated it is not just a man or woman thing.

  13. Bragging about past partners and past partner experiences is weird especially if it doesn’t appropriately tie into the convo. I know people who do this to brag and try to make the person jealous. Most of the time it is toxic and most people would find it tacky bc it is.. regardless of gender why would u sit and talk about explicit things u did with old people to someone u want to be with. There’s always a way in approaching certain details about past partners but people do the most to get a rise out of someone it’s immature and it’s definitely a red flag.

  14. Could be checking for compatibility. Maybe she is hinting to you what kind of things she’s into. No reason to immediately assume malicious intent tbh.

  15. Those girls are idiots. Ive never talked abt other dudes unless the guy is pestering me.

  16. I kinda like hearing about my wifes past encounters hahaha. If someone at work tried to talk about it that’d be weird. Or a first date… gahhh

  17. Draw boundaries. I’m a doctor and I get women frequently talking to me about their sexual problems. I have to remind them that that is not my speciality.

  18. It’s weird for a girl to tell a guy she sleeps with other men and vice versa, because it can be interpreted as an attempt to make the other person jealous. I ve only really seen a girl do this when trying to make a guy jealous. Guys tell their male friends about girls and girls tell female and gay friends tho, and it’s normal.

  19. To all the people trying to normalize this “hookup culture”, Fuck you!. I rather have a meaningful relationship with someone who’s not corrupted in the soul and who’s got good morals, people who have casual sex with multiple people throughout their life get fragmented across time until the end up losing themselves and their persona. They devout their life for pleasure instead of pursuing a meaningful life with purpose and good company.

  20. Because guys unknowingly share the same info. You’re telling me all about yours? Great, now listen to mine.

  21. I have one at work that does this constantly, she also complains that she can’t find a right guy to take care of her and her baby. Fact of the matter no man capable of doing so will ever want a loose single mother. The ones who suffer in the end is the young generation being raised by such women. Hook-up culture has nourished hypocrite bimbos.

  22. So it can mean a bunch of things. In my experience sometimes it’s to get the conversation heading to that direction usually so it can lead to it. Sometimes it’s a way for them to bond and some girls just love talking about sex. It’s cool if your not into it and you should probably let them know that your not really into talking about private things like that. I use to like to keep my stuff private and thats one of the best ways to word it. Even though for you it just a turn off.

  23. I always thought as if they are trying to “push your buttons” to see how you react. Best answer is to politely let them know that you don’t care

  24. My guess is it’s either an exit strategy or a “simp gauge”. Like, let’s see what they’ll put up with.

  25. Cuz they’re always telling us about all the times the slept with another girl

  26. Honestly I get weirded out when a guy asks me about a time I slept with another guy. Like WHY DO YOU NEED TO KNOW?!

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