Went to the bar with a friend to play some games and grab drinks.
Saw extremely cute bartender. We were making frequent eye contact the whole night. Talked to her while we were closing tabs.
Left without grabbing her number.

Feelings of woe.

Tell my friend how I feel about girl. While looking past me through the window behind me, he says, “bro, she’s looking at you right now.” “Should i go for it? Do it or no balls?” “Do it or no balls.”

Walk back into building. Wave at her while shes making drinks for other guys. She immediately smiles and gives me her full attention. “I thought you were really cute and thought maybe we could get to know eachother a little?”
“Oh wow sure! Sorry I’m really an awkward person. Should I give you my insta or snap?”
“I usually talk through text”
“Okay!” *puts in number*

We then flirted for like 30 seconds and wished eachother a good night

Just texted her and waiting on response (bartender so probably working late)

This isn’t something I normally do nor do I see others do it often, but I think approaching attractive women (respectfully) should be more normalized. Even if this specific scenario doesn’t end up where I want it, I definitely want to do this more!

First- typo
Second- opened up phone this morning to a rather large text. I’m in, people!!!

Final edit – we kept talking and flirting over text throughout this morning, but she decided she needs more time. Reason being that she just got out of a 10 year relationship 2 months ago. Therefore, that’s it for us. I still see this as a win in my book considering that I learned way more than if I had just not said anything to her. Now i just gotta do it again 🙂

  1. Damn you must’ve been spitting pure fire to land a bartender. People hit of female bar tenders like all night when they work usually. Congrats my guy. Hope it all goes well.

  2. > Even if this specific scenario doesn’t end up where I want it, I definitely want to do this more!


  3. You champion!

    A wise guy once said, “All you need to do is open; and close. Everything else is just details”.

  4. You did what I couldn’t do, and still think about it sometimes, that what if i’d have not shy away.
    Congrats man.
    BTW, how did you break the ice?

  5. >but I think approaching attractive women (respectfully) should be more normalized.

    It was normal until dating apps, rabid feminists, weak men and me too started dictating social norms. Men and women lose.

  6. Isn’t absurd that a normal everyday thing for me is such a revelation in a dating sub in 2023.
    It’s a true reflection of how the rare man that takes the risk wins the prize.
    The reality if your energy is right then an approach should not elicit a hysterical nor negative response.

  7. I’m so happy for you, you made a move I like it that u respectfully approached her rather than saying something corny and calling her sexy and stuff.

  8. Glad to hear a victory story. Which you both luck and happiness moving forward!

  9. Well, talking with attractive women is mostly up to them, when a woman is so brazenly asking to be talked to, why not? Though this doesn’t happen the majority of the time and culture is also prevalent (sometimes girls are interested in you, but they don’t show it at all and make themselves look unapproachable). In any case, good for you for landing that. Bartenders are some of the most difficult to get (they have a lot of options).

  10. Great job bro!

    The next level for you is to sustain this without needing liquid courage. Then you will truly feel like the man.

  11. What is your ultimate goal? Marriage, kids ?

    Just curious because being in that business means she has more opportunities than she can shake a stick at.

    Just saying.

  12. Dude fair warning, as a bartender, your job is to flirt and make money. You always take the number cause returning guest. But best of luck to you and all my wishes.

  13. I’d literally sell my soul for women to be make sending signals as obvious as she apparently was sending you.

    Do it or no balls? I say do it or no brains according to this story, ya dingus.

  14. Good job dude. I did the same thing this morning. Spotted an extremely hot girl and thought let’s go for it, which isn’t something I know how to do casually. The conversation went well.

    I didn’t manage to obtain her number because she said she has a bf already but it was worth the shot, yk? At least now I can normalize this asking out total stranger bit

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