I 20(f) been experimenting what I like or what I like to do with my partner for years now. Few years ago a man introduced me into gooch licking. I get off just by pleasing my partner so just by seeing that some men like that made me more confident in what I do during head. I never really got to experiment with my past partners until my recent one. Lets call him T. T is 25(M), he just gotten out a relationship that lasted years. T and his ex would never experiment or if they did she would make fun of him if he liked a certain things or make him feel weird. A couple times T let me lick his gooch and he turned out he liked it, then a lil after I inched more towards his hole. I lightly licked and he liked it a lot. Last night went even further with the foreplay. He only lets me if he is a lil buzzed so he can be comfortable because his ex made him think it’s a weird thing. Last night he let me give him a rim job and it went a lil further and I fingered him. I have a good size bottle of lube so he enjoyed it pretty well. He had gave me some hints to buy a strap on but said just kidding. It was said in a way that he actually wanted me to buy one. Im perfectly fine with everything I’m down for it all I just want him to be comfortable. What can I do to make him feel more comfortable trying a strap on and not make him feel that he has to be ashamed of it?

  1. You’re already doing a great job of making him feel less ashamed! The mockery or insults of the sexual relationship he had before, obviously left a big scar on him. So my advice is to keep doing what you’re doing: talk to him, comfort him, show excitement for the things you want to do with him, and don’t bring up the past. Ease him in into the idea that sex is fun and enjoyable. It may take some time, but as bad experiences made him to where he is now, good experiences can make him to what he’ll grow into: a healthy, fun, positive sexually comfortable person! Good luck!

  2. If this is something you’re into, tell him. Generally, people prefer the idea that their partner is getting something out of it, and not just doing it for them.

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