I feel like this is one of the most important skills that I lack. I have lots of experiences and adventures, but when trying to tell people about them they’re not usually very interested. It’s not that I get anxious or my mind goes blank or whatever, but I just tell the story in a chronological order (this happened then that happened then this etc..) On the other hand I see others who can make mundane stories seem very interesting and I’m like how do you do it lmao.

Any tips on how to get better at this? Any books/podcasts/articles etc that can help me develop this skill?

1 comment
  1. I’m gonna break this down with a template and an example.

    1. Start with a hook
    2. Give the set up.
    3. Explain the interesting bit.
    4. Provide the resolution.

    A. Did I ever tell you guys about the time I hit a bear?

    B. We were driving over the mountain pass one night during a blizzard.

    C. We couldn’t see more than 30 feet in front of us, and before we knew it, there was a sickening crunch.

    D. We pulled to the side of the road and the bear’s spine had destroyed the undercarriage of the car. By the time AAA arrived, our eyebrows were frozen.

    This is just one way to tell a story.

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