Hello! I am doing the food for a childrens party next Saturday. Does anyone have any ideas as to what I could put on? Is it acceptable to do a massive bowl of Tuna Mayo? Do I need to make those hotdog, cheese and cocktail onions sticks that Nan used to make? Cold chicken nuggets?

Edit: just a cold buffet, no hot. My daughter will be 3 so, honestly, there won’t be many kids and mainly adults

Thank you!

  1. Do you have facilities for warm food?
    Pizza, chips, mini sausage rolls go down well, along with ham/cheese/egg sandwiches. Crisps, cheese puffs, monster munch etc. A good selection of buns and biscuits. Drinks – jugs or orange and blackcurrant juice. Lots of paper plates and cups, serviettes, and no washing up. I wouldn’t have anything on cocktail sticks as accidents can happen. Also wouldn’t have “sharing’ portions of anything as kids don’t eat hygienically.

  2. i imagine children like crisps, chocolate biscuits, different sandwiches, quiche.

  3. Finger foods are best. Crisps, biscuits (bourbons go down well), fruit, veg sticks, cake, pizza and nuggets and you can cook these and serve them cold. Remember to slice your grapes and tomatoes in half if there will be little ones.

    Don’t do loads of sandwiches because they don’t get eaten. Probably stay away from things on sticks- just adds to the mess and the faff.

    Remember to feed the adults too!

  4. How old is the child? I wouldn’t bother with tuna mayo, as 90% of them will say ‘urgh, sick’ when they see it, besides, how are they going to eat it?

    As others have said, stick to finger food, stuff they can eat whilst running around. Cheestrings are very popular, as are crisps and all the beige stuff you find in the frozen section of any supermarket. Sliced up pizza is good too. Nothing fancy, nothing that requires a plate, and plenty of chocolate biscuits and you’ll be fine.

    Signed: A mother of five who learned a thing or two about children’s birthday parties.

  5. How old? Between about 4-12 its crisps, sausage rolls, pizza, chicken nuggets etc. Forget sandwiches. Plus sweets and cake. You can try a few carrot sticks and some grapes for more healthy options.

  6. My kids are 11 and 8 so I’ve done a fair few over the last few years. Egg and cress sandwiches are by far the most popular but I normally do Tuna and cucumber, ham and cheese and some jam sandwiches too.

    Homemade sausage rolls are very popular so I normally do a mountain of them and cook just before so they are warm still for the party. Carrot, cucumber, celery and pepper sticks with hummus and breadsticks always go down very well too.

    Things like pizzas, mini sausages, Scotch eggs are good to bulk it up.

    Crisps, onion rings, cheese puffs, hula hoops etc.

    Sweets- individual cakes, party rings, pink wafers.

    Fruit- they love berries and melon plus it looks fab.

    Drinks- jugs of squash/cordial. For fizzy drinks sparkling water/soda water with a dash of cordial is a healthier and cheaper way of doing it.

  7. At that age, keep it simple.
    Cubes of cheddar cheese. Crisps. Cherry tomatoes and grapes cut in half, chunks of hot dog cut lengthways (choking hazard like grapes…), strawberries, wee sandwiches, mini sausage rolls or cheese&onion rolls.

    And party rings and chocolate fingers and more nosh for the adults.

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