I(23f) feel like it’s so hard these days to find a common ground in how much to be texting someone you’re talking to. So need some help on my concern of the moment. I’ve been talking to (23m) for 2 weeks now first week after talking we went on a date was super good been texting all week again and went on a 2nd date was even better than the first ! The problem is, I’m not a huge texter but I do like to expect about a reply every 1-3 hours at the normal. This person texts back every 3-5 hours daily and the weekends are far worse. We went on our 2nd date this past Saturday night and today Sunday I didn’t hear back from him until 1pm (we both got home at 1am Saturday night) which was all good not the end of the world. I replied back around 2pm and it is now 10:30pm and haven’t heard anything back. Is this something this early that should be addressed ? Or nothing I should be too concerned about ?

TL;dr I (23f) have been talking to this guy (23m) for 2 weeks and 2 dates texting has been awful. Should I say something ?

  1. You’re an adult.

    3-5 hours is very normal.

    In my personal opinion, it’s too much.

    I’m currently dating/getting to know 3 women.

    Dates have all been really good. There’s plenty of chemistry. I approached all of these women in person.

    My phone is for setting dates (and replying to too many Reddit posts)

    Keeping up with each other throughout the day is in my opinion for high schoolers.

    Live your life.

    If you’re expecting constant communication, you’ll probably be met with disappointment.

    Be excited that in person things are going well. If things progress further, I’m sure more frequent communication will become a thing.

    Good luck!

  2. There’s no set time, if you’re seeing yourself distance apart because of it bring it up but that doesn’t mean he isn’t trying if you’re not happy after that well then

  3. There îs no such a thing as a set time. Could be 2 hours, could be 5, at this age all of us are working but, at least you should have some time în the evening to discuss more frequent.

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