Our apartment complex required us to move one of our cars before early the next morning so they could fix the pavement under the car or our car would be towed but the car had died. We wanted to wait for it to finish raining before we used jumper cables on it.

Wife got ready for bed and took her bra off right when it stopped raining. I felt more comfortable having her help than doing it by myself because our jumper cables are so short that you need to get the cars almost touching together to be close enough for the jumper cables to reach. I wanted her help to direct me so I wouldn’t accidentally bump the other car, just in case, but, since she just took off her bra, she didn’t want to go outside.

I figured it was because she didn’t want it to look like she wasn’t wearing a bra but it was really dark out and I really wanted her help and didn’t understand why she couldn’t just put a hoodie or coat on or something but she just kept saying I just didn’t understand how uncomfortable it was to not have a bra on but wouldn’t explain further.

Later she said it was because she was stressed about our dog. I’m so confused.

Can someone please explain this to me?

  1. No I only wear one if I’m like at a family/kids event where I’d feel kind of rude without one. Most women that I’m aware of can’t wait to take them off when they get home from work etc. Seems like she just didn’t want to go out there?

  2. > Can someone please explain this to me?

    Yeah, she didn’t want to get dressed again to go help because she was tired and/or just didn’t want to.

  3. It really depends on the individual. Some find bras are more supportive, so it can be quite uncomfortable moving around with your ladies swinging free.

    Others hate wearing a bra altogether.

    Sometimes hormones can play a part, and having them supported properly helps some boob-ache.

  4. I hate the feeling of not having a bra on and I have daytime ones and nighttime ones. If you’re bigger, it doesn’t feel good having them swinging. Imagine if your balls were as big as her beasts. You’d want some support on those things before running outside to move cars.

  5. Nipples can be sooo sensitive to some of us. I can’t go without one unless it’s a tight tank top.

    But it takes 2 min to put one back on. Sorry she was unhelpful and not nice about it.

  6. Personally, I don’t go out without a bra because I don’t want people to stare at my boobs, or show nips. It is not just about physical discomfort, but personal comfort.

  7. When you’re naturally large breasted it can be quite uncomfortable to have them bouncing about. I wear one all day every day and sooooo look forward to taking it off at night to lay down.
    Unless I have a more “fitted” shirt or dress that adds support, I’d have to put one on too, just to move the cars around.
    Big boobs are a huge pain in the neck, literally!

  8. Before I got my boobs done and eliminated the issue, after having my kids my small breasts were somewhat deflated and the underside of my breast would touch my rib cage area underneath and the feeling absolutely grossed me out. I slept in a bra to avoid that feeling at all costs until I got implants.

  9. Bras suck.

    However, you don’t have a bra issue. You have a wife issue. Regardless of the suck, if you need help, you do.

    She can be bra less for a few minutes outside in the dark or she can take the minute to put it on if she must have it.

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