I (F26) agreed to meet man (M34) off a dating app. I told him I want to be friends first with the people I meet but one thing led to another and I ended up going to his place on the first meetup and we did it

Man (M34) just got out of a LTR 3 months ago and agrees that we shouldn’t commit and put a label on the relationship right away. I like him but he’s somewhat bipolar and doesn’t treat me nicely at times. Personally I wouldn’t want my future daughter to date someone like him but feel super overwhelmed and have communicated this to him

We’ve only been dating for 3 weeks as I write this post, I’ve slept over at his place frequently and he has already introduced me to some of his friends

I’m hesitant to proceed as I feel this is too fast paced compared to my last relationships that started with friendship. Also I still live at home and have restrictions on going out late and staying over and am not ready to introduce someone to my family yet. I’d be okay if this connection doesn’t work out.

Also another red flag is that he said cause he’s a visual person, he wanted to film us having sex which I wasn’t comfortable with. He filmed me without my knowledge at first and I got super upset. I felt like I had tho choice so I allowed him the next time. I feel dumb for doing this. I’m starting to feel this is a trauma bond and I should leave and be single for a while to work on myself to attract healthier romantic connections despite this man have a very kind and loving side + similar long term goals.

Last red flag, he constantly brings up his ex and compares her to me. I appreciate the transparency about him and his ex but I’d like to focus on the present and future and have him not keep bringing her up and comparing her to me

TL;DR: I (F26) started dating a man (M34) quickly, we’ve only been dating for about 3 weeks and both have the responsibility of a girlfriend/boyfriend despite not planning to label the relationship anytime soon. I’m not sure if this is what I want or if my heart is 100% into it and am thinking to end things to work on myself a lot

1 comment
  1. – 8 year age gap
    – **crossed your set boundary the minute he met you**
    – **is mean to you**
    – **filmed you during sex without your consent**
    – constantly talks about his ex

    That’s **7 red flags** IN 3 WEEKS 🚩 🚩 🚩

    Idk how you would safely get him to delete the vid – and no guarantee ut’s not on backups or something

    babe IF YOU DON’t WISE UP! **Block him on everything** – and don’t say a word to him about it.

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