Do you think it is okay to divorce if your spouse is no fulfilling your sexual needs? Sexless marriage being once a month or less. What are your thoughts?

  1. Try to resolve it through communication and consistent effort to connect. If it continues, then yes, its grounds for separation or open relationships.

  2. It sounds like that would depend entirely on you. For some people, that would be no problem at all. For others, a greater amount of intimacy and sexuality is needed to maintain a healthy relationship. Another factor to consider of course would by the reason why. There could be legitimate and understandable reasons for only wanting to engage in sexuality that often–long-term illness, say. At the end of the day, it comes down to the folks involved to set their priorities.

  3. Not if that is the only issue between you. Just because she/he isn’t having sex with you doesn’t mean they are going without it.

  4. Yes, it is a good reason personally, go over to dead bedrooms to see the damage it does.

    Check your local divorce laws. Some jurisdictions may grant you the divorce with a healthy penalty for such “frivolous” reason. You also have cultural factors or children. Some culture will frown heavily on the partner leaving for being irresponsible or selfish.

    The low libido partner can hold you hostage in those jurisdictions and situations.

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