I dated a guy last weekend. It was okay he seemed annoyed I didn’t have sex with him. I heard nothing from him in days since the end of the date, he said take care nice meeting you. I thought things were over and I started dating somebody else this week. Who I really like. The guy from last weekend has been messaging me nonstop just today and called me no less than eight times in the last few hours. He sending me nasty messages asking me if i’m dating someone else. He’s asking if I met somebody.He said he want to see me and I told him I am busy. I thought he actually wasn’t interested in me and started seeing someone else.Do I tell him I am seeing someone else now and only date one man.I feel it’s not his bussiness. I feel bad just blocking him

  1. Dude block him. That’s not normal behavior and if he knows where you live, be prepared for him to show up.

    That’s not normal or ok behavior

  2. Just text him you’re not interested and you don’t disclose any personal business to strangers. Hopefully he doesn’t have your address or work location.

  3. Do not feel bad shutting down unacceptable behavior. You do not owe him an explanation or any further communication. He’s not entitled to it and he’d probably use anything you did say to him against you anyway. Block him.

  4. If ANYONE called me 8 times in a few hours, I’d block them.

    With exceptions for my children and my parents because I’d assume that someone was seriously ill/died. Or won the lottery.

  5. Hes giving me psycho vibes.. I’d just tell him I started seeing someone else and wish him the best

  6. Just wanna say that there’s nothing wrong with dating more than 1 person at a time. You don’t owe anyone anything and they can’t dictate what you do until you have a discussion around exclusivity. Which if anyone did after one date, I’d be concerned.

    You don’t owe this person anything. Put yourself first and block this man. That’s not normal behaviour at all, even in a committed relationship- unless something was wrong of course

  7. Sounds like that guy is a major red flag 🚩🚩🚩 If he’s gunna be salty that he couldn’t get in your pants then for one get a restraining order, lose contact with asap and let him be salty. Most guys now and days only want that anyways and then become Polly Pissy Pants over it

  8. This does not pass the sniff test.

    If somebody messaged me 8 times in one day and got all up in my face about my business, I would feel very threatened. I don’t understand why you do not perceive this as a threat.

    Block them. Cease contact. They are not healthy or worthwhile individuals. Full stop.

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