For example you have that one friend who always dresses to the nines. To you, do they come across as pretentious/trying too hard or do you think “good for them”, or do you not care at all?

  1. I’m impressed that they always have the time and energy for it, and might ask for tips. I enjoy looking nice, but sometimes it’s not worth the effort.

  2. I admire them prioritising their appearance and putting an effort in, and I probably think they look great.

  3. I love dressing up !!! I love people who dress up !! its fun to curate outfits and its fun to experiment and it makes the experience of going out 10x better IMO

  4. I don’t think anything about it. For some friends, I am that friend. For others, I’m the less fancy friend. It’s nothing that concerns me. As long as they are happy with their fashion choices, they are welcome to wear whatever’s safe and appropriate for the venue and activities. I don’t assume that they’re actually dressing to impress anyone. My basic assumption would be that they’re dressing to their comfort and happiness.

  5. I don’t really care. It’s not my hobby (seems kind of boring) but if it appeals to them, cool.

  6. I think it’s fun to dress up and look at other people who dress ups outfits so I like it I guess

  7. I admire them. If dressing that way makes them feel good, then I think it’s awesome.

    I wish I had the energy and the tolerance for snappier clothes and beauty routines, but right now I just don’t.

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